Published On: Wed, Oct 9th, 2013

Delta Central Bye-Election: Urhobos and Imposition from Abuja

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Agbavwe Elohor an Abuja based political activist

By Agbavwe Elohor
The order from the Presidency seems simple; ‘you must deliver Aguariavwodo to represent the Urhobos’. This imposition order is an invasion on the Urhobo political space. The manuscript of the Order and the execution of the order are been carried out by an Ijaw President and Itsekiri Governor. Their lackeys in Urhoboland should bury their head in sand for allowing an outsider to select their representative. Indeed, what can be more simple than using an Urhobo to do their biding on the senate floor while the Urhobos stand on their head. Simple order indeed!
The marginalization, polarization, human degradation and capital limitation of the Urhobos in the State and the Nation have been a systemic orchestrated agenda by the PDP for many years now. The Gov. Uduaghan imposition further catalysed the incubation self-serving opportunistic elements within the Urhobos to misdirect our people. The availability of a political livelihood made them a ready tool to stymie the growth and development of their own land and people. They are now ready to harm, kill and dis-enfrachise their own people because there is an order from Abuja!
The invasion order has been followed by threats and blackmail. ‘ Urhobos will not be given a Minister if the Order is not followed’, ”jobs and infrastructural development will not be created in Urhoboland if Aguariavwodo is not delivered”, they say. It is quite depressing to see how some of our innocent sons ans daughter seems hoodwinked by these cheap political blackmailers. This Aso rock order has provided further clarification of how unproductive and retrogressive the mindset of the PDP is built.
However, there is an evolution and re-branding of a new breed of Urhobos who stands unruffled in the face of the order. A fresh spring of hope and restoration is flowing through our land. We are more motivated to re-claim, re-establish, re-create and re-brand ourselves as a people of industry and creativity. The march to our greatness is on.
We feel our pains as we march. Non-Urhobos cannot dictate who should speak for us. We did not decide theirs. We are marching as a team and our captain is Otega Emerhor. We believe in his capacity to bring all together and unleash opportunities for our people in their pursuits for happiness. Emerhor is an true son of the first character. An amiable and affordable Urhobo; who has contributed from the sweat of his brows in the development of our land.
Emerhor’s humility and open-heart makes him a matchless representative of the Urhobos.
The task before us is huge but not beyond us. let us send emerhor to speak and take action for us. We plead on all Urhobos not to sacrifice our future for mediocrity. We should line with the progressives and eliminate poverty from our land by ourselves and for ourselves. We reject their Order!

Agbavwe Elohor is an Abuja based political activist

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