Published On: Wed, Aug 6th, 2014

Delta 2015:Omo-Agege and the Delta Guber Race

Obaisi Ovie Omo-Agege receiving blessing from Asagba of Asaba

By Celestine Efeukane
The race to at least twenty-eight of the thirty-six state government houses in Nigeria has begun and soon it will peak. The winners of these highly coveted seats will be festooned with garlands and be sworn in as governors come 29 May 2015. In our Delta State the race assumes newer dimensions, takes new curves and evolves new strategies as no candidate would want to leave any stone unturned. So far about twenty candidates have thrown their hats into the ring to square up for the governorship diadem. Delta State is a strategic state in Nigeria and even Africa and beyond. Its abundant oil and gas nourish the world in the same manner that it is home to some of the most sought after human capital resources all over the world. It is therefore understandable why the governorship race in Delta State appears to have peaked ahead of others in the federation. There is no doubt about the dynamism of the people of Delta State, her economy, her multicultural endowment and more. This dynamism is also reflected in her politics and it is currently playing out.
One aspirant whose declaration for the governorship seat electrified the political space bringing much eclat to the scene is the very charismatic Obaisi Ovie Omo-Agege a political titan whose political astuteness is stuff for legends. A trained lawyer who honed his legal skills in the United States, Omo-Agege has become a major player in the politics of Delta State with tested and reliable bridges across all the many ethnic groups in Delta State. If there is any political personage whose name is on the lips of every Deltan including infants and the aged it is that of Obaisi Ovie Omo-Agege. Such is his political consistency and staying strength that he has become a political phenomenon.
Omo-Agege’s fame does rest on many significant platforms in his profile as a politician. He is well known as a strategist, loyal party man and development marshal. Many Deltans still talk about how he revolutionized the development process in Delta State when he served as the Secretary to the State Government. Before then he had served as Commissioner for Special Duties leaving an enviable record of development oriented service. Many people had then wondered where he got the ideas and energy to evolve and implement the ideals he used to propel the government of the time. The people soon discovered that it was all about a deep passion to serve humanity and make life better for the people.
Omo-Agege’s politics is driven by passion. The passion to serve Delta State as governor and help consolidate the state. This passion took him into politics in 2002 and since then there has been no going back. His attempt at the governorship between 2006 and today are the result of the pull by the passion and conviction to take Delta State to the next level. Some have called it desperation, but that is a wrong interpretation of Omo-Agege’s sublime motive. The kind of motive that energized Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and our own sage, Pa Obafemi Awolowo.
A keen follower of Omo-Agege will discover that he is not in the race for the fun of it and making statements that remain unsubstantiated. So far, he only, I emphasize, he only among the horde aspiring to become governor of Delta State has a programme of action which is a well crafted manifesto he code-named FOUR PILLARS OF CONSOLIDATION. Omo-Agege comes across as a development oriented mind who knows how and through what route he could take society out of the woods. The document FOUR PILLARS OF CONSOLIDATION is an elaborate manifesto that is aimed at having maximum development impact in every corner of Delta State. The dominant ideas which form the FOUR PILLARS are: Strong and Stable Economy, Strong and Secured Society, Cleaner Environment and New Politics.
The overriding and ultimate goal of the FOUR PILLARS is creating an enabling environment for investors which will culminate in the industrialization of the state and maximum job creation. Omo-Agege anticipates a Delta State where every citizen will be gainfully employed, a state where crime will be reduced to its barest minimum, a state where senior citizens spend their lives in bliss while the younger folk work, prosper and look forward to their retirement. He has worked out an elaborate scheme for crime prevention in order to ensure social cohesion and peace. His design also takes into consideration the significant role of good and quality education, a reliable and confidence boosting health sector and the upgrading of infrastructure such as housing, electricity, transportation and other amenities that make life modern and worth living. He has promised an all inclusive government where the people’s aspirations and concerns will be prioritized. He insists on accountability, transparency and other recognition of the role of civil society in the development process. This is what he calls New Politics.
Since his declaration Omo-Agege has taken this message of hope and consolidation to every corner of Delta State by way of consultation with the people. His vision has been described as a Pan-Delta agenda for transformation which has been embraced everywhere in the state. He talks of an All Delta Agenda with Anioma, Ijaw, Isoko, Itsekiri and Urhobo in the fold. The Omo-Agege political train has what it takes to get Delta to its destination. Deltans know this and they are just waiting for the election day and do what they should do by overwhelmingly casting their votes for Obaisi Ovie Omo-Agege.
Efeukane is contributing this piece from Effurun.

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