Published On: Fri, May 29th, 2015

Congratulations, Nigerians, it’s a New Dawn!

By Nelson Ekujumi
The June 12 Coalition of Democratic Formations (J12CODEF) with heartfelt gratitude to the Almighty God, would like to use this medium to appreciate the following; Nigerians across ethnic and religious divide who came out peacefully to exercise their franchise on election day despite all the hiccups, the political parties who participated in the elections, the media, Prof. Attahiru Jega and his management team in INEC for a wonderful job done to enhance the integrity of our electoral system, the security agencies who carried out their constitutional responsibilities without fear or favour, the vigilant local and international observers, international partners and all those too numerous to mention, who contributed in no small measure towards ensuring a free, fair and credible 2015 general elections that has made this New Dawn possible.
We are indeed very delighted to witness the peaceful exit of the outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan administration and the entry of the incoming administration of President Muhammadu Buhari which symbolizes the resilience and doggedness of the human will to overcome obstacles which cannot but arise in the course of life. Once again, we give glory to God.
As President Muhammadu Buhari mounts the saddle starting May 29th, 2015, we would like to admonish him to realize that the expectations of Nigerians on his government to chart the path for a greater tomorrow is very high, because of the great hopes and trust in his tested and trusted ability to deliver which was a key factor that motivated the electorate to exercise their franchise and ensure it counted despite the inducements and threats against a credible general elections by enemies of democracy.
President Muhammadu Buhari must realize that he is carrying the burden of over 170 million Nigerians to clear the rot of our political, socio and economic system which have been planted by years of misrule, lawlessness, corruption, impunity and everything unrepresentative of the values and character of the Nigerian people which has been our lot for some time now. President Buhari must also be made aware of the fact that the rest of Africa are looking up to him as the leader of the Giant of Africa to chart the way for its renaissance from bad governance and political corruption which is the bane of the African continent that is bedeviled by wars, terrorists attacks, diseases, ethnic conflicts, suicidal migration across the Mediterranean, etc.
We equally want to congratulate Nigerians and urge them to be prepared to make the necessary sacrifices to make Nigeria great. They must realize that Rome was not built in day, so it is imperative for them to be mindful of the fact that President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration is coming into office at a very critical period in our national life when lawlessness, corruption and impunity has taken root as a national policy in our public and private lives. It behooves on Nigerians to realize that part of the sacrifices that they would be called upon to make for a greater Nigeria, is to be very patient and dogged in the cause for a national rebirth which is very imperative now.
As we enter this New dawn in our national life, it is the fervent wish and prayers of the June 12 coalition, that may the path to a great and virile Nigeria of our dreams as envisaged by our founding fathers be laid by the incoming administration that is a beneficiary of our collective mandate, so help us God.
Fellow Nigerians, we are very grateful to God and wish you all a fruitful and rewarding democratic experience under the President Muhammadu Buhari led administration.

Nelson Ekujumi

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