Published On: Mon, Sep 23rd, 2013

Keyamo and Preference for Merit

Delta Central APC Senatorial Apirant Olorogun Festus Keyamo

By Comrade Palmer Ogheneyole Nathaniel
As Delta Central APC goes for primaries, we must bear in mind that the calibre of persons projected by a political party can go a long way to influence public sympathy for or against such a party. We are in an era where the people are yearning for change. We are in era where visionary, spotless, dedicated, young, articulate and vibrant leaders are conspicuously missing. It is thus my humble submission that the APC can present the platform for the correction of the Nigerian institutional anomalies by throwing-up only the best capable hands in its fold.
If the party must be taken seriously by opponents and the Nigerian electorates, then there must be a leap from the old and archaic ways things have always been done. Merit must take the front seat while monetary inducement must be thrown to the bottommost pit of hell, and if merit be the sole criterion in this Delta Central situation, then amongst the two competitors for the ticket of APC, Olorogun Festus Keyamo is best qualified.
Keyamo is a Lawyer of over two decades standing. A man who has built his reputation over the years fighting for the cause of the common man. A man who has stood against the high and mighty in gallant defence of truth, justice and fairness.
The business of law-making is not for business executives. It is for those with a good and sound grasp of what laws should be. Keyamo’s input in several legislation passed by the National Assembly is a pointer to the fact that he will be an excellent Lawmaker.
On several occasions, the Nigerian Senate has had to consult him on important Bills to be passed into Law. The yet-to-be-passed Petroleum Industry Bill is one of such occasions where the legal luminary has put his expertise into use to assist the Senate in its function.
Only recently, Keyamo opened the eyes of the Nigerian Senate as to its powers in the appointment of Service Chiefs. In a heated legal battle, that lasted for over four years Keyamo got the nod of the court to fault the unilateral appointment of Service Chiefs without Senate confirmation. This landmark victory by Keyamo was hailed by many Nigerians including the Senate President who, until the verdict, was unaware as to the extent of its powers.
Severally, Keyamo has sent proposals to the National Assembly on how the legislators through viable Bills can help improve governance in Nigeria. His recent memorandum to the Senate on constitutional amendment as to ways to improve the criminal justice system is among several of highly articulate pieces Keyamo in his magnanimity has submitted to the National Assembly.
On his service to his Community, Keyamo has given services that, if quantified in monetary terms, could be worth billions of naira.
In the 2006 census, an abysmally low figure of 186,000 was recorded for the whole of Uvwie Local Government Area. Angered by this blatant rape of his people, Keyamo single-handedly took the case to court insisting that the figures must be cancelled and another conducted. However, it took the court over four years to grant Keyamo’s prayers. The court consequently ordered that a fresh population census exercise be conducted thereby nullifying the earlier fraudulent one.
Another wonderful service rendered by Keyamo to his community, worthy of note is the ongoing fight for over one hundred families to reclaim their land forcefully acquired by the federal government in 1975. The federal government, after acquiring the land, built the Army Barracks in less than ten percent of the land, and just recently began to sell the land to private individuals.
Keyamo is presently representing the short-changed families in court in a fight to reclaim their unused land from the government. This, the Uwvie-born lawyer is doing free of charge for his community.
Let me at this junction submit that the APC as a party now have a golden opportunity to skyrocket its credibility before the Nigerian electorate. With the likes of Keyamo representing the party in the hallowed chambers, the party’s manifesto of zero tolerance to corruption will have more human face.
Keyamo has fought corruption to a standstill. He has handled high-profile cases as an attorney of the country’s anti-corruption agency, and succeeded in sending some of Nigerian most powerful citizens to jail. The Bode George case is one amongst many.
As APC delegates go to elect their flag bearer in a matter of days, we must understand that the interest of the party and the Urhobo nation should supersede whatever leanings and sentiments we may have earlier harbored. While people flaunt cash and believe we could be bought cheaply, we must thus prove them wrong that never again shall we place premium on money to the detriment of merit. The time is short. A totally committed and unquestionably loyal APC man is what we want. Keyamo is a man of his words without any known history of betrayal.

Vote Keyamo
Vote APC

Comrade Palmer Ogheneyole Nathaniel
Director, Media and Publicity
Festus Keyamo Campaign Campaign Organisation

About the Author



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