Published On: Mon, Oct 18th, 2021

Nigeria Governors Should Please Interfere In Rising Cost Of Gas, Onuesoke Begs

LAGOS OCTOBER 18TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Chieftain, Chief Sunny Onuesoke has appealed to the thirty six states Governors of Nigeria to interfere in the incessant increase of domestic cooking gas in order to put an end to the suffering of the masses.

Onuesoke who made  the appeal while addressing journalists by the sideline  during the Guild of Cooperate Online Publishers (GOCOP) 5th Annual Lecture/Conference at Sheraton Hotels, Ikeja, Lagos  lamented that the rising cost of cooking gas in the country is taking its toll on Nigerians as many homes are now resulting in alternative fuel sources despite being in a position to produce sufficient LPG to meet local demand.

While appealing to the Governors to declare state of emergency on the increase of the commodity so as to seek solution to the stabilization of the price of the commodity, the PDP Chieftain lamented,  “The masses are  suffering. They battle with high cost of foodstuffs. They also battle with the means to cook them. This is nothing but double tragedy. It wasn’t so some six years ago. They need to help the masses. The prices of various kilogrammes of LPG have surged more than 50 per cent, with a 12.5kg content selling for N7, 800 or more, rising from N6, 500 in less than a month.”

He said that  it is unfortunate that the Governors are aware of the  incessant increase  of the domestic gas but  kept quiet  while the masses continue to  groan in pains.

Onuesoke who appealed to the Governors to assist in   ameliorating the impact of increase of domestic  gas  on the poor masses, said the increase of the commodity had made many Nigerians  to return  to the  use of fire wood and   sawdust which had lead to the deforestation of the forest with consequence impact of climate change.

“The state governors have been quiet over this issue for too long. The masses are suffering. Gas is the main source of our existence. The Governors can do something by brainstorming with the Federal Government, gas producers and all stakeholders in the gas industry on how to regulate the gas prices to the benefit of the suffering masses,” he stated.

Speaking on the effects of using firewood, sawdust and kerosene,  Onuesoke explained that smoke from aforementioned   is dangerous to human health,  stressing that in 2013 World Health Organisation   reported that  98,000 Nigerian women die each year from the use of firewood, with thousands more at risk of serious health problems.

Quoting World Health Organisation, Onuesoke said, “After malaria and HIV/AIDS, smoke is the biggest killer of mostly women and children. This has cost poor families and institutions money that could be put to better use on education, health and nutrition,” it stated.

“The WHO noted that indoor smoke from solid fuel remained one of the leading causes of avoidable deaths and ill-health worldwide, with women mostly affected because they often cook for their families and spend a lot of time in smoky kitchens.

“The WHO further reveals that household air pollution causes non-communicable diseases that include stroke, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer, adding that close to half of deaths due to pneumonia among children under five years of age are caused by particulate matter (soot) inhaled from household air pollution.”




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