Published On: Sat, Sep 7th, 2019

Urhobo Youths Knock Rita Lori, Faults Her Claim On Bernard Okumagba’s Origin

LAGOS SEPTEMBER 7TH (URHOBOTODA)-Urhobo youths under the auspices of Urhobo Rebirth Movement Of Nigeria from the 23 Kingdoms of The Urhobo Nation have asked Miss Rita Lori an Itsekiri ” Self acclaimed Woman Leader” to keep her mouth shut and stop misleading the public by manufacturing lies against the origin of their great illustrious son of Urhobo Nation, Olorogun Benard Okumagba who was graciously appointed as Managing Director of Niger Delta Development Commission NDDC by President Mohammadu Buhari.
Rising from an enlarged emergency meeting held,in Otu Jeremi , Headquarters of Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State co- chaired by Comrade Jeremiah Omodibo, President and Comrade Kingsley Diemo, Secretary said” Our meeting was solely to tackle some selfish Governors of the South South for rejecting the people who they claimed they are representing but just because they are appointed by our father, President Buhari in the Board of NDDC these same Governors who cannot account for bail out funds who have failed their people who majority of them came into power through the back are oppossing Mr President! ”
Adding further ” Where as nobody ask them how they run their failed states, they have the effrontery to challenge Mr President. This was exactly what we were about to deliberate on and make our response, when our PRO,drew our attention to Vanguard Newspaper of 4 September,2019 of a misleading statement from a wicked grand mother who has clinical hatred for Urhobos by saying that our beloved brother Olorogun Benard Okumagba who was appointed by our father President Buhari as MD, NDDC is not from an oil producing community as stated by NDDC Act of 200″
Comrade Omodibo explained that it is true that Olorogun Benard Okumagba is from the great” Okumagba Dynasty of Okrere Urhobo Kingdom of Warri paternally” He further disclosed for the record that. the area where you have NPDC largest Office ,Chevron is jointly owned by Edjeba and Okere Urhobo Communities as an oil impacting Urhobo Communities in Warri South Local Government Area where Olorogun Benard Okumagba father and paternal mother hailed from ( Okere Urhobo and Edjeba Communities) .
He said Rita Lori failed to understand that Olorogun Benard Okumagba’s mother is from Ukpiovwin an oil and gas producing community in Udu Local Government Area, adding that according to Africa tradition it is both father and mother that own a child
According to him, ” Based on the same NDDC Act of 2000 our brother Olorogun Benard Okumagba is eminently qualify for the MD position of NDDC since he is paternally and maternally from both oil and gas impacting and producing communities of Warri South and Udu Local Government Areas. You can now see the wickedness of the self acclaimed woman leader of Itsekiri,”
Comrade Omodibo, however exonerated the Itsekiri people who he described As ” Good neigbours and brothers” from the ” self centered and morbid hatred campaign of Rita Lori against not only Olorogun Benard Okumagba as a person, but the entire Urhobo Nation stressing further that “She quarrels with everybody yesterday including some illustrious Itsekiri sons and daughters. She even drag some Itsekiri respected Leaders to court. So we are not surprise at this unruly behavior comming from a grand mother”
He concluded that it was in those days that the likes of Rita Lori successed in using “our heads to knock that of our Itsekiri brothers but these days everybody Itsekiri, Urhobo and Ijaws have all wise up and agree to work for the benefit of our people.Rita Lori has fail! And she will continue to fail.But if she refuse to stay clear of the affairs of Urhobo People then we are prepare for her because we know her antics as s person. But she will definitely fail”

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