Published On: Tue, Jun 8th, 2021

Ganiga Bridges The Gap Of Ethiope Fed. Constituency Hospitality Industry With Inauguration Of Dallas Grand Beach Hotel

Olorogun Emmanuel Ganiga (Centre with white clothes) flanked by traditional rulers and eminent personalities during the opening ceremony of Dallas Beach Hotel and Resort Centre, Oghara, Delta State.

LAGOS JUNE 8TH (URHOBOTODAY)-A businessman and legal luminary, Olorogun (Barr) Emmanuel Okpako Ganiga no doubt knows what the people of Oghara and visitors to the community need by establishing a standard hotel and resorts centre for the creation of comfort and relaxation guests and fun seekers.
The Hotel known as Dallas Grand Beach Hotel and Resorts is located in serene vicinity in Oghara, Ethiope-West local government area of Delta State and equipped with modern day hospitality equipment that will make visitors want to feel at home. In short, it could be describe as a home away from home as all the facilities needed to keep guests relax are available.
While addressing journalist during the inauguration recently , Olorogun Emmanuel Ganiga wo doubled as the the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dallas Grand Beach Hotel and Resort assured Nigerians, especially visitors to the community that his hotel and resorts has creative and positive measures to respond to the evolving demands of the hospitality industry in Nigeria .

Hon. Nelson Owoso, Chairman, Ethiope West L. G. Council cutting the tape to commission the Hotel, behind him is HRM Avwaeke I, Ovie of Umiagha-Abraka, on his left is . Ben Igbakpa, Member, House of Representatives, HRM Noble Eshemitan, Ovie of Oghara and HRM Monday Whisky, Ovie of Idjerhe Kingdom. On the chairman’s right, Her Majesty Queen Eshemitan, Olorogun Emmanuel Ganiga and HRM Mike Omeru, Ovie of Agbon Kingdom

He assured that the hotel has a state of the art facilities that will tastefully satisfy the leisure, entertainment and relaxation needs of guests, adding that the hotel will bridge the yawning gap in the hospitality industry in the area.
Hon. Nelson Owoso, Chairman, Ethiope West Local Government. Council Area unveiled the plaque for the Commission of the hotel while eminent personalities including traditional rulers watched with enthusiasm.
The occasion was graced by HRM Orefe III, Ovie of Oghara, HRM Ukori I, Ovie of Agbon, HRM Avwaeke I, Ovie of Umiagha-Abraka and HRM Udurhie I, Ovie of Jesse, Hon. Felix Anirah, Member, Delta State House of Assembly representing Sapele State Constituency, the Erhi of Okpe Kingdom, Chief Charles Obule, Chairman of Delta State Independent Electoral Commission (DSIEC), Chief Mike Ogbodu, immediate past Managing Director of DESOPADEC, Chief Williams Makinde and immediate past Chairman of DSIEC and former Resident Electoral Commissioner of INEC, Hon. Moses Ogbe among other personalities.
In his address, the Chairman of the occasion and member representing Ethiope Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Hon (Chief) Ben Igbakpa commended Olorogun Ganiga for the bold step not only to develop the area, but to provide employment opportunities to Nigerians from all parts of the country.
He said that with the establishment of the hotel and the caliber of Management staff already in place, Chief Ganiga has made a bold statement as a promoter of peace and unity in the country.

Hon. Nelson Owoso, chairman, Ethiope West L. G. Council unveiling the plaque to Commission the hotel, looking for far left Olorogun Emmanuel Ganiga, Chairman/ CEO, Dallas, HRM Mike Omeru, Ovie of Aghon Kingdom, HRM Ararile, Ovie of Umiaghwa-Abraka, HRM Noble Eshemitan, Ovie of Oghara and HRM Monday Obukohwo Whiskey, Ovie of Idjerhe Kingdom

Hon. Igbakpa then called on Nigerians to support the position of Governors of Southern Nigeria, especially as it concerns the restructuring of the country to douse the challenges of insecurity and promote the much desired peace in the country.
In their goodwill messages, the traditional rulers of the four Kingdoms praised the entrepreneurial ingenuity and patriotism of the proprietor, and called on other investors to utilize the presence of River Ethiope to bring in more investment to the Federal Constituency.
They also advised the indigenes to patronize the resorts and ensure security of the facilities.
Also speaking, Chief Charles Obule, Chief Williams Makinde and Hon. Moses Ogbe extolled the management qualities of Chief Ganiga, they said that facilities available in the hotel compare favourably with what obtains in other parts of the world, and called on the business community to patronize the hotel.
One of the main highlights of the occasion was the cutting of tape and unveiling a plaque to formally open the ultra modern Dallas Grand Beach Hotel and Resorts by the Chairman of Ethiope West Local Government Council, Hon. (Pastor) Nelson Owoso.
A popular Urhobo musician, Lucky Okwe also entertained guests at the occasion.

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