Published On: Thu, Oct 31st, 2019

Witnesses, Unenurhie Community Mourn As Ogheberuo Akpurhie Joins Jehovah

Late Brother Chadwick Ogheberuo Akpurhie.

By Young Erhiurhobo
LAGOS OCTOBER 31ST (URHOBOTODAY)-It was a moment of sober reflection and grief for the immediate family members, Jehovah’s Witnesses and the entire Unenurhie community as the remains of late Brother Chadwick Ogheberuo Akpurhie, aged 71 was recently interred at his home town of Unenurhie community in Evwreni kingdom, Ughelli North LGA of Delta state according to the teachings and practices of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Late Akpurhie was a committed Jehovah’s Witness and a notable business doyen who lived his entire life in Sapele in Sapele LGA of Delta state. He owned much assets to his credit within Nigeria here: He served as Executive Vice President of Beckley Group of Companies (1990 to 1998), he was a Purchasing Manager of Life Flour Mills Ltd/Seaboard Group of Companies (1980 to 1990) and also the Managing Director of Assets Development and Management Company from 2000 until his death. As a committed Jehovah’s Witness, late Akpurhie faithfully served Jehovah and became an elder in the religious organization at a young age of 24 and remained so until his death.
In a funeral talk presented by Brother Oyedele to the large congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses and other numerous invitees that converged at the Unenurhie Primary School playing field to witness the funeral event of this noble and humble man, Brother Oyedele advised the people especially the immediate family of the deceased to always look unto Jehovah for their sustenance, protection and comfort; with the hope of resurrection to a paradise earth.
He however admonished the immediate family with the words of the Holy Bible to always emulate the fine legacies of their late father by standing firm in the worship of Jehovah as their late father did why he was alive. Brother Oyedele however concluded his funeral talk by expressing appreciations to all those that took time off their busy schedule to share with the family of the late brother, in their moment of grief.
Speaking to during the reception which took place in the same venue, Brother Abraham Akpurhie, a sibling to the deceased said, “Today, our hearts are filled with grief and pain as our dear brother is buried today. However, we are comforted with the words of Jehovah as we look unto resurrection that we shall see our late brother again. We strongly believe that we shall be happily united again during the resurrection.
“Let me at this time express my gratitude and appreciations on behalf of the entire Akpurhie family to our numerous Christian brothers and sisters that came from different congregations around the country especially those from Sapele where our late brother worshipped till his death. “In the same way, I also thank all the members of the Akpurhie family and our mother’s family present here. I also express my warmest regards to His Highness, Aganufa Eko, the Odion’Rode of Evwreni kingdom, the president general of our community, Mr. Peter Maison, the Odiontu’Ewheya (Women Leader) of the community and the entire Unenurhie community for their unflinching support given to us. Finally, I must thank our Christian brothers and sisters from both Evwreni and Unenurhie congregations. They really show their love to us as Witnesses. May Jehovah bless all of them, he prayed..
Late Brother Chadwick Ogheberuo Akpurhie aged 71 was survived by a wife, four children, a grand child, siblings and lot’s of family members. Until his death, late Akpurhie was a committed Jehovah’s Witness who served in various capacities like Presiding Overseer and Assembly Overseer in his congregation.

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