Published On: Mon, Aug 29th, 2022

UWUU: Urhobo Group In Lagos Pays Members’ Children Fees  In Back To School Project


Mercy Obas receiving N25,000 cheque as paymeny for part her child school fees

LAGOS AUGUST 2TH (URHOBOTODAY)-An Urhobo group under the aegis of Urhobo World United Union (UWUU) Lagos zone has decided to make life less difficulty for its members in the present economical crunch in the country by introducing a welfare project of assisting members in paying their children’s school fees thereby lessening  their economical  burden.

Beside, assisting members in paying school fees, they also provide school bags, books and other educational material to the children.

The group in annual general meeting held on Saturday, August 27th, 2022 held at Home Of Touch, Palm Grove, Lagos presented to eight children of their members N25, 000 each as part payment of their school fees in the coming term.  The eight students that benefitted from the scholarship are spread across the group four zones of Mainland, Badagry, Island and Ikorodu. Bags and other educational materials were equally distributed  the children of members of UWUU.


Trophies presented to past EXCO for their neritorious service to UWUU..

Speaking to on the Group back to school project, Chairman of UWUU Lagos zone, Olorogun Richard Edefa Edidjana  disclosed that due to the present  economic hardship, there are some of their members who may be having challenges of paying school fees, buy school bags or provide other educational materials for their children.

According to him, “The idea of ‘Back to school project’  came as a result of the present burden we are facing in the country. It had brought us closer and we have come to identify with the challenges that most of our people are facing. All fingers are not equal. We actually want to see how to encourage our members who are less privilege to actually encourage their children to go to school.


Cross section of UWUU members dressing in Urhobo attire

“For instance, some are having challenges of school fees, school bag and all that. So we just want to start with this and hope to do more because everything boils down to resources and money. We are not only focusing in Lagos, but Delta State which is the basis because those are the people we are targeting to help. Those in the villages we actually want them to go back to school and become somebody in life.”

While advising Urhobo indigenes to join UWUU because of the benefits that are abound for members, Edidjana recalled that for the past five years of the group existence, it had achieved a lot mostly in the area of unifying urhobo indigenes spread all over. He explained that the Group have been able to render assistance to them and they are still hoping to do more.

“I will say UWUU  had made tremendous progress in the last five years. There are a lot of Urhobo indigenes scattered all over Lagos who did not know themselves but UWUU have brought them together.  We have been able to render assistance to our people in Lagos and we are still hoping to do more.


Chairman of UWUU, Lagos Zone, Olorogun Richard Edefa Edidjana presenting an award UWUU Secretary, Onome Joy Monije….

“ I know five years ago when UWUU was giving birth to it was not like this. And it is not only in Lagos now. Lagos is a pace setter for UWUU.  We have UWUU in other places. We call them zones. We have Lagos zone, Port Harcourt zone, Warri zone.  We have in Dubai. We have Abbu Dabi. We have in Ghana and so it is spreading every day. It is as the result of what we are doing here that is giving birth to zones in other places.  I will say that we have done well and we hope to do more in the next few years,” he stated.

The Chairman explained that they have   earmarked projects on which to move UWUU forward, stressing that  they have plan to do visitation to some personalities  in the society so that UWUU can be recorgnise.

“We want to design and executive plan of welfare programme. We are working on how we can design and implement some welfare packages that will actually benefit all of us and make our efforts worthwhile. We want to introduce award and reward for deserving members. There are people who have done a lot for UWUU. These are people who are contributing not only resources, but also ideas to move UWUU forward. From time to time  we will be identifying those people for award so as to encourage them,” he explained.

He urged Urhobos to unite, adding that it is only when they are united that they can form a formidable force and thereby benefit from the government.

“It is not something we need to emphasise before we understand that unity is key in this country. If you look at the country presentky,  tribes are trying come together and they are coming together stronger in order to devour the national cake. Urhobo cannot be left behind. It is only when we are united that we can represent ourselves in formidable force and then we begin to have our own share of the national cake.

“If  we do  not come together, we will not be able to do it. And there are forces that have been  trying to keep us apart over this years. If you look at, Urhobo in Nigeria if I am not mistaken Urhobo is the fifth largest tribe. It is important that we come together so that we can represent ourselves very well,” he advised.

The highlight of the day was the presentation of awards to the past executive members of UWUU for their meritorious service for development of the Group.


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Have Your Say
  1. Let me thank all of you for the kind gesture. At least it will reduced the burden of parents in this crucial time. God bless.

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