Published On: Tue, Jul 8th, 2014

Urhobo Youths Commend Jonathan, Senate for Ministerial Slot, CONFAB over State Creation

LAGOS JULY 9TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Group under the aegis of Urhobo Youth Leaders Association (UYLA) has commended President Goodluck Jonathan for nominating an Urhobo indigene, Dr. Steve Orise Oru for ministerial post and the Senate for his speedy confirmation.
The group in a statement signed by Comrade Vincent Oyibode, National Secretary, Urhobo Youth Leaders Association, made available to URHOBOTODAY an online medium observed that with this gesture, the President has hearkened to the outcry of the Urhobo nation, the 4th most populous ethnic nationality in Nigeria and with vast oil and gas resources.

The statement affirmed that the action of President Jonathan has demonstrated once again that he is a man of the people and hero of the Niger Delta, adding that for these reasons, the Urhobo youth and electorate shall stand firmly by him come 2015 and beyond.
The group hailed delegates to the National Conference for the courageous decisions it has taken so far to boost public confidence on issues vital to the survival of Nigeria as a just and equitable federation, stressing that they were happy about Confab’s resolutions for the liberation of oppressed minority nations of the country, especially in the Northern States.
“Their hope to aspire to the highest political office is now brightened with the decision on the rotation of important positions of power amongst the geo-political zones of the country. Posterity will remember President Goodluck Jonathan for setting up the Confab. He had justified the expectation that the minority ethnic groups are champions of equity and democracy.
“We heartily welcome the affirmation of Section 7 of the 1999 Constitution that local governments are the exclusive responsibility of State Governments and that local government areas shall not constitute a tier of government. Section 7 stipulates clearly that “The system of local government by democratically elected local government councils is under this Constitution guaranteed; and accordingly the Government of every State shall, subject to Section 8 of this Constitution, ensure their existence under a Law which provides for the establishment, structure, composition, finance and functions of such councils”.” the statement declared.
The group commended Justice Idris Kutigi-led Confab for approving the creation of Anioma State from Delta State on the premise that it would satisfy the yearnings of their people to have more autonomy and self-government.
According to the statement, “Delta State is among the ten states whose wealth sustains Nigeria. With the approved Anioma State, a New Delta State shall be born; it will comprise the nations of the Urhobo, Ijaw, Itsekiri, and Isoko that make up the Delta Central and Delta South Senatorial Districts. This is a historic gain after 70 years of the struggle of our people for self-determination and justice.”
The group maintained that the decision on separate constitutions for the States is another landmark recommendation.
“At Nigeria’s Independence in 1960, the Regions had their own constitutions in the spirit of federalism. The Regions also had representative offices in the United Kingdom and other countries. This arrangement fostered harmonious relationship and mutual respect amongst the Central government and the Regions. In a genuine federal system, the central government and the federating units are equal and coordinate.
“Equally significant is the agreement on State policing and multiple security systems to complement federal agencies in combating crime and terrorism. Nigeria is too large and complex to be protected by a single, uniform policing system. The practice of multi-tier policing operates in the United Kingdom, India, Australia, Canada, and the United States of America. Separate constitutions, police systems, and judiciary are the features of a healthy federalism. Therefore, the youth and people of Urhobo appreciate the audacious defence of federalism, equity and justice put up by the Delta State delegates at the Confab. We are proud of them,” the statemet explained.
The group urged all delegates to make similar heroic effort in support of no less than 50% derivation and resource control,” the group argued, stressing that the issues are at the heart of federal system all over the world hence the principles were entrenched in the 1960 and 1963 Constitutions of Nigeria.
The statement argued that restoring them would show that Nigeria is catching up with where they were 50 years ago before military ruler imposed unjust policies on the diverse peoples of Nigeria.

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