Published On: Tue, May 28th, 2013

Orubebe: Great Achiever, Bridging Ethnic Divide in Delta State

Minister, Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs, Elder Godsday Orubebe

In every democratic system, it is a norm and a constitutional right of all citizens to express their democratic right to aspire to any elective position in government, and this inalienable right cannot be
denied any citizen. To assess this right should not warrant surge of misguided comment on public office holders in order to score cheap political point.
Since the expression of his political right to aspire to govern Delta state come 2015, Elder Godsday Orubebe, has received mudslide, even from unsuspecting quarters, but of a particular interest is the one on Urhobo Times on Friday, May 24th 2013 by one Mr. Godwin Anuaghe of the People’s Democratic Party resident in Lagos, alleging that Elder Godsday Orubebe is Politicking on “Ethnic and Regional,” lines thereby causing a division amongst Deltans and to out-rightly stern a marginalization bid on the Urhobo ethnic nationality in the State.
We make bold to state here, that the unfounded postulations coming from Mr. Godwin are merely figments of his imaginations as the Urhobo Nation cannot be divided by mere innocuous comment of a Deltan who want all Deltans to be given equal opportunity to contribute to the development of the state.
May Mr. Godwin and his likes are disconnected from the reality on ground in Delta and take note of this: the Urhobo Nation cannot be divided now or ever. The Unity enjoyed amongst us will not be traded
on personal political maneuver. We stand strong and forever will remain strong together in furtherance to the development of our beloved State; and should look for elsewhere to channel his energy to in the service of his Masters.
Therefore, it is an indisputable fact to state that: Elder Godsday Peter Orubebe (CON) has always preached Standard Politics with a strong reputation of not giving in to Ethnic, Regional
and Sectional affiliations.
Also with his Wealth of Experience, he is only poised to Transforming Delta State to greater heights. That Elder Orubebe is a staunch supporter of Dr. Uduaghan- led administration to enable Deltans enjoy the true dividends of Democracy, despite the fact that Governor Uduaghan hails from a different ethnic nationality from his. And that Elder Godsday Orubebe is poised to bring to fore, his vast experience for An Exceptional Transformation to Delta State.
Elder Godsday Orubebe, is a renowned Political figure in the State, who have worked closely with People of diverse ethnic nationalities in the State for decades, thus, bridging the gap between ethnic divide
and interests for peace and development to thrive.
He is no doubt a Quintessential Minister who has carved a niche for himself lately as a true ambassador of Transformation for Niger Deltans,
Elder Orubebe is a true patriarch and patriot of the Federal Republic, as his exemplary qualities and lifestyle has endeared him diverse political positions and appointments. He has gained maximum support from his Grassroots, to the Federal level, where he has served in the capacity as a LGA Councilor, LGA Chairman, SSA Urban and Regional Planning to the former Governor of Delta State, Chief James Onanefe Ibori, Hon. Minister Special Duties, Hon. Minister National Planning Commission, Hon. Minister of State Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs and currently Hon. Minister, Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs and Member Federal Executive Council.
Records hold that, Elder Godsday Orubebe is One of Nigeria’s Longest ever serving Minister, since the inception of our democratic system of Government in 1999.
Subsequently, Elder Orubebe is the Senior Pastor and General Overseer of the Glory Sanctuary Christian Center (GICC), Ogbobagbene Community, Burutu Local Government Area, founded over a decade ago. The Honorable Minister is renowned for his deep Love for God, despite his antecedents as a Politician.
He is A “Twin” Minister, (Minister in the House of God and Federal Republic of Nigeria) and has carved a niche for himself lately as a true Ambassador of Transformation for Niger Deltans, a Crusader of

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  1. According to Pa EK Clark, DELTANS Need A “GOD FEARING” MAN to take the State to the Next level … And Elder Godsday ORUBEBE soooo Gets It


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