Published On: Sun, Jun 8th, 2014

Jubilation as DESOPADEC Commissioner, Ominimini Empowers 33 Women with N1.6m

(Centre from left) Rt (Hon) Christopher Ominimini Obiuwevbi (on suit) and Hon Ken Okolugbo (on white) in a group picture with the women

There was jubilation, singing and dancing as women from Urhobo communities of Delta State celebrate while singing praises of Delta State Governor, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan and Commissioner representing Ughelli North and Ethiope-East Local Government Area (LGA) of Delta State in the board of Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission (DESOPADEC) Rt (Hon) Chief Christopher Ominimini Obiuwevbi for giving out the sum of N1,650,000 to them for investment in petty businesses or for enhancement of their existing businesses.
Personalities like DESPODADEC Commissioner representing Ukwuani Local Government Area (LGA), Hon Ken Okolugbo, the daughters of Chief Michael Ibru, Gloria alias Mama G and Obukome, Chairman Performing Musician Association of Nigeria (PMAN) Orits Wiliki and others could not hide their joy as they joined the ladies in jubilation. In short it was a joyous moment as prayers started pouring in from the beneficiaries to Uduaghan and Ominimini.
The funds shared among three categories of the beneficiaries would be shared in a ratio N50, 000 each. The three categories of beneficiaries are those group into those who do not have business due to lack of fund and are expected to use the money to start a petty business, while those who already have business would use their share to enhance their existing businesses. The last category is for those who fell out of business. They are expected to use the fund to launch themselves back into business.
Addressing the jubilating audience, Ominimini who said women deserve to be encourage in the society because of their religious and political numerical strength said what he did to the women is in accordance to Delta State Governor, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan’s principle of women should not be giving fish, but rather taught how to fish so that they could as well give fish to others.
“It is on that basis of Uduaghan’s principle that I am giving out this N50, 000 each as part of my community relations to each of the women present here today. What I have just done in giving micro finance to thirty three women selected from the rural areas is in fulfillment of Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan’s three point agenda to alleviate poverty in Delta State. The project is targeted at alleviating the suffering of the poor masses that are praying for the government daily.
Ominimi who is also in a high spirit for seeing the ladies in joyous mood said the beneficiaries cut across local government areas that are not within his area of control, adding that a lady from Ughelli South is also one of the beneficiaries.
Hear him, “The beneficiaries of the programme cut across all the local government areas of Delta State. We even have a lady from Ughelli South. This is the first phase, but as God continue to provide, so also we shall provide for the women.
He disclosed that the projects is not for women alone, adding that the next batch of beneficiaries would be men, after which they would re-visit women.
According to him, “I have one philosophy. I do not believe you must have billion of Naira before you will assist people. If you wait to be a Billionaire before you extend your kind gesture to others, it therefore means that you may not even do it when you get there. I love Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan’s kind gesture not because of the mega project for the rich, but for majority of his project for the poor. The poor are having the good impact of Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan’s government and it is on that basis that I have also done this.”
He said before arriving at giving out the sum of money, they have asked the women how much they would need to go into a micro business and many of them said they need between N10 and N20 to start a petty business. He added that what they have giving to them was far more than what they were expecting.
“That is why you see joy in their faces and heart. I tell you, the joy in the heart of the women is not up to the joy in my heart. This is because the government of Emmanuel Uduaghan has used me to save the lives of their lives,” Ominimini told group of journalists milling around him as he celebrates with the ladies.
As for modalities put in place to expend judicious use of the funds, the Ominimini explained that although they have educated them before now on how to judiciously put the money into petty business, he, however, pointed out that they would lecture them on how to judiciously use the fund.
“Some of the lectures we have giving them here today, you cannot see them on the Common street, read on books, study or experience over the years. We have instructed them that firstly, they should embark on judicious use of the money, secondly, they should not use the money to purchase fashion materials or pay school fees of children, rather, they should put it into mini trade which will in turn give them gains and profit. It is the profit they should eat and if they continue doing that, the capital will multiply.
“I can tell you that we have numerous projects that we have not been commissioned. I can count them for you. In Agbarha they are so many, in Ogor we have projects. I have gone to Evwreni to commission projects and there are projects that are ready to be commission in Isiokolo, in Kokori, in Samagidi, in Omaghughwre, in Oghara and in Orogun among others. They are scattered everywhere,” Ominimini explained.
DESOPADEC Commissioner representing Ukwuani area, Hon Ken Okolugb described the event as a landmark one because such an empowerment is a unique one in the state.
According to him, “When Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan’s government talk of capital development, we are talking of developing all the Delta indigenes. As it is, you have seen the people from all the different clans that are under the mandate area of the Commissioner, Chief Ominimini Obiuwevbi.
According to him, “N50,000 each is a great amount. It might not be much but by the time you see that thirty three peoples are benefitting from the amount, it is a colossal sum of money.”

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