Published On: Sun, Jan 27th, 2013

IBB May Marry 24 Years Old Hausa Actress Zeezee this Year …..Read Zeezee interview below

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If what Hausa actress Zeezee Ibrahim posted in her facebook wall is what to go buy, it former President of Nigeria, President Ibrahim Babangida will be getting married to another woman two years after the death of his wide, Mariam Babangida.
Zeezee who was alleged to have posted in her facebook saying she must get married this year by the grace of Allah, posted the picture of IBB along with her in a statement ‘Marry this year inshah Allah’. Many well-wishers were re Zeezee ported to have sent her congratulatory messages.
George Onmonye who syndicated the information on facebook said Zeezee had never hidden her affair with former military President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, saying that on March 30th, 2012, Zeezee confidently informed him that General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, populary known as IBB is her fiance.
“I thought she was joking but after going through her pictures I saw a lot of IBB pictures. Zeezee isn’t
hiding anything. She is displaying everything. I wish her good luck and I hope she will invite us to
her wedding,” George said.


My biggest dream is to marry IBB,says Ummi Zee-Zee By Aliyu Abubakar Askira

Ummi Ibrahim (a.k.a. Zee-Zee) is an A-class Hausa actress who claims to be the girl former President Gen. Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) will marry – God’s willing. If Zee-Zee is to be believed, then, the man who lost his wife two years ago has been dribbled into a love corner by the young, beautiful Shuwa lady.
Zee-Zee has been selling the idea for months. Last year, she told her Facebook friends that anybody who guessed correctly who was going to marry her would get a cash reward of N100,000. And true to her word, Zee-Zee was said to have paid the money to a girl who fingered IBB as the potential groom.
In an interview with our correspondent, Zee-Zee responded to some of these issues, especially her relationship with IBB and how she made her money.


Ummi, how is life with you?

I am okay but always busy these days; if I am not in Lagos I must be out of the country, running errands for my boss. These days I handle most of his businesses, especially overseas travels.
Who is that your boss? You said before the interview that your boss owns Glo. Are you referring to IBB or Chief Mike Adenuga?
I will answer this in the course of the interview, but truly my boss owns Glo; that is why you cant see me looking for the job of Glo Ambassador. Whatever I want in the company I will get it. I have passed the stage of collecting a work of N500,000 or below; it means nothing to me.
You are planning to launch a 5-track music album. What is the album all about?
Well, it is loaded with messages and it is in both audio and video. I want my fans to see me live again. These days I am scarce; I’m always in Lagos. My Hausa fans have missed me. The album is for them. I am not interested in the sales money; what I am after is to be in touch with my fans.
Why did you relocate to Lagos?
Good question, we have so many busy bodies in the north; at times even the dress we wear people will look at it and imagine the price, in Lagos you are on your own; nobody cares about you.
Didn’t you encounter accommodation problem in Lagos?
I did not go to Lagos by accident. I was fully prepared, and I was not poor when I went there, so I did not encounter any problem.
People believe you left Kano because your fiancé dumped you and married your sister.
It’s far from the truth. In any case the lady he married is my sister. We have since sorted out our differences, now if they have problem I used to advise them. We have put that incident behind us for good.
Sources said you have properties all over the country and you are yet to clock 30 years, but you are rich. Why not marry?

God’s time is the best. I will marry when the time comes and I pray that it will come sooner than later. But I am already involved with somebody.
On Facebook you said you will marry IBB. Are you serious?
Yes, the man loves me and I love him too. He is everything in my life; he is my boss, my father’s namesake, my hero and my mentor. We love each other so much. It is not because of the noise people are making or the fact that I put it on Facebook that he delayed the marriage, no, there are things to be sorted out first and if God decrees that I will marry him I will still marry him.
How did the whole thing start?
It is God, but let me give you the background. Since when I was a kid anytime I saw a story in the paper, magazine or even on television about IBB, I used to feel as if I won an award. I liked the man right from the time when I was younger and even now that I am 24 years old. As I grew up, finished primary and secondary schools and later read Public Administration in Bayero University, Kano, I developed more passion for the man IBB.
Are you half-caste? You are cute and beautiful.
My father is Fulani and my mother is Shuwa Arab, both of them are from Borno state. People are surprised about my relationship with IBB beause I am only 24 years old, but the truth is that I love him and he loves me. But there are some things about us I cannot tell you.
The first day you met him in person, what did he tell you?
The most important thing is we met and we love each other. On his relationship with me, let’s just say it is a secret.
When he celebrated his 70th birthday, what present did you give him? And he said on the occasion that he was now ready to marry again; are you the lady in question?
(Long laughter) I will not tell you what I gave him but our relationship is like a parcel: allow IBB to open the parcel first! What I can tell you is that everything is on course.
When did you see him last?
No, that is our secret, oga journalist!
When he lost his wife, what were the exact words you used when you went to condole with him?
I prayed for the repose of her soul and I urged him to take it easy because all of us will die one day.
He did not say if you replace her, he hoped you will take care of his family?
At that time how could he start talking of replacement? Of course, we spoke.
While in Lagos people saw you all over the place with Timaya. Is he your lover?
I will not deny it; he was my lover. I was part of his band but honestly we parted ways; we are no longer together.
Is it because you are planing to marry a more responsible citizen?
(Laughter) No comment.
Ummi, can one safely assume that you suddenly became rich because of your relationship with IBB?
Thank God for everything but I can’t remember when I got my first one million naira. I am from a rich family. I remember my father used to give us large sums of money when we were young to share to our extended family. I am used to money. You also asked about the N27 million stolen from my house; it is true the money was stolen from our family house during a wedding; up till now it is missing.
Hajiya Ummi, our paper is a respected medium, please, don’t mislead us; how can IBB marry a Kannywood star like you?
Oh, God! What did you take me for? You people surprise me at times. Before God all humans are equal except those that worship Him most. Today, not only IBB, even if they tell you that I am involved with King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia why should it surprise you? IBB is not above me in terms of love. Remember, I am a woman; we have our ways. Whoever sees me in flesh knows that any man can die to have me as his woman!
IBB is not an ordinary person. Why did you expose your romance with him on Facebook?
Remember, I am also a popular star for that matter, I have no hiding place.
When are you coming back to Kannywood?
What or how much would they pay me (to act in a movie)? They can’t pay me! Money is not my problem. Now I am busy. I am always in Lagos but on weekends I used to stay in Kaduna and at times go to Kano to see my parents and friends. But mostly I move in tinted cars; you will only know me by my number plates, reading ‘Zee-Zee 1,’ ‘Zee-Zee 2,’ 3, 4, 5… I have chains of cars. I love automobiles.
You were once famous in Kannywood and suddenly you disappeared into thin air. What happened?
I was introduced into Hausa film industry by one of my female friends. My first manager was Ishaq Sidi Ishaq. I worked for HRB Films. My first film was ‘Jinsi’.
How much was the first pay you got for your role?
I can’t remember. I was paid through my manager. It was too meager.
You were once suspended from Kannywood for alleged immoral acts. What really happened?
That episode is still paining me. One lady, Hiyana, did what later embarrassed the industry and was suspended, and I was also wrongly suspended. But I refused to go to court. God will one day vindicate me.
I saw a duplex on Zoo Road, Kano, with an inscription, ‘Zee-Zee Fashion and Boutique,’ on it. But it is yet to be put into use. Is it yours?
Yes. I am into many things. I have lots of projects at hand. I will even establish a state of the art studio in Kaduna, Kano and Jos, to help Kannywood. I will also produce films. My album is to be launched end of December and the video in January next year.
Would that be after your marriage?
My brother, pray for me to marry IBB; it is my ultimate ambition in life. Pray for me.


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