Published On: Sat, Jul 27th, 2013

Delta State is Prepared to Conduct Local Government Election, Uduaghan Assures

Delta State Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan has assured Deltans of his administration’s preparedness to provide the needed logistics for local government elections in the state once the State Electoral Body indicates its readiness for the elections.
Dr. Uduaghan who gave the assurance today (24-07-13) in Warri during the swearing-in ceremony of Dr. Emibra Agbeotu as a member of the recently constituted Delta State Independent Electoral Commission (DSIEC) opined that strategies and logistics were been put in place to ensure that local government elections were conducted as soon as possible.

His words “ My administration is ready and willing to conduct the local government elections in the state, as such logistics needed for the conduct of the election were been provided to ensure that the election is no longer delayed to enable the councils begin work in earnest for the benefit of Deltans and the state.”
While reiterating that his government was committed to conduct a free and fair local government election, he stressed that “since the local government is closer to the people, their confidence and trust should be earned through a transparent and credible election that will stand the test of time”, stating that “strengthening of democracy will occur at the third tier of government if credible and trustworthy people are appointed as umpires”.
Dr. Uduaghan said that strategies for greater synergy with local government councils were being put in place to ensure that socio-economic projects were implemented at the grassroots level on an efficient and effective basis.
Speaking further, he charged the newly sworn in member of Delta State Independent Electoral Commission (DSIEC) to serve the state diligently in this capacity for the benefit of the people.
In a brief response, Dr. Emibra Agbeotu said he was prepared for the task ahead and competent to handle the job explaining that he would do his best to serve the state better in this capacity.
According to him “l wish to thank the governor for this appointment. l promise to do my best in serving the state. I am prepared for the job and by God’s grace I will not disappoint deltans.”
The swearing-in of Dr. Agbeotu brings the number of DSIEC members to seven.
Source: Delta State Website

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