Published On: Sun, Jun 21st, 2015

Delta State Hospital Impounds Quadruplet over Unpaid Bill

LAGOS JUNE 21ST (URHOBOTODAY)-Hospital managers at the Delta State University Teaching Hospital (Delsuth) in Oghara are refusing to allow a couple take their newly born quadruplets home because they cannot afford the medical bill of N300,000 (£946) charged them.
According to father-of-three Ejike Anyanwu, his wife and their four children remain stranded in hospital because he cannot afford the bill demanded by the hospital located in Ethiope West Local Government Area of Delta State. Mr Anyawu, 39, originally from Enugu Ezike Aji in Igbo Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, is now crying out for assistance from members of the public.

He added that his wife delivered the set of quadruplets through caesarean section last Friday at Delsuth but he was left with no money to settle the bills after exhausting what he could raise initially on the original operation. Mr Anyawu revealed that he spent close to N300,000 for laboratory examination and drugs, most of which he borrowed.
Even after settling the hospital bill, he is faced with the problem of how to feed the quadruplet and the rest of the family. According to Mr Anyanwu, he was forced to engage in menial jobs after his trade in building materials collapsed in 2013. He said that the menial jobs he had to do for his family upkeep included offloading goods from trucks or motorised trailers at Ekpan on the NPA Express Road in Warri, while his wife was a full-time
For now, his set of quadruplets are being fed by goods Samaritans.
Mr Anyanwu said: “When I was called upon to see my wife and new born, with joy I walked in but the joy vanished almost immediately as I almost collapsed seeing four children. It ought to be a great joy for me but I have no meaningful source of livelihood and it was never my intention to bring these children into the world to suffer lack.”
“At a time, the pharmacy where I was buying drugs on credit refused selling to me for fear of my inability to pay. So, I had to borrow from friends and neighbours to buy some of the drugs.”
He added that he is now appealing to the Delta State governor, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa and his Enugu State counterpart, Chief Ifeanyi Uguanyi, to come to his aid. Mr Anyanwu said he could be reached through phone number 08035023491 and has also opened a First Bank account into which anybody interested could send donations.

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  1. No need for any form of donation to the Parent for the payment of this N300,000 hospital Bill. Our State Govenor (H.E Gov. Okowa) should direct the immediate and unconditional release of the children to their parents. Quadruplets are rear happenings and special blessings from GOD ALMIGHTY. We should also not bring in the issue of dwingling revenue because this comes only once in very long time in our society

  2. Prince Prince says:

    It is surprising to hear that he has to pay about 300,000 on drugs and lab test and etc. and also has to pay another 300,000 to take them home. All this in a Government hospital where everything is claimed to be subsidized for the poor citizens in their father land.
    Where are the commissioners of health, Where are the first Ladies of these states and of cause where are the Governors both past and present who swore to protect and serve humanity.

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