Published On: Thu, Apr 11th, 2013

Delta State: Hoodlums Invade College of Education Sapele

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Students receiving lecture in College of Education, Sapele

Delta State College of Physical and Health Education, Mosoga, Sapele has been invaded by some people suspected to be students in collaboration with some community youths breaking into the school hostels and causing mayhem to unsuspected students of the institute, a source disclosed.
The source who do not want his name on print said, “Recently, a gang of boys broke security intelligence and gained access into the College, attempted to rape some female students while the Corpers’ Lodge located at Ekwevugbe Street, Sapele was attacked by the bandits leaving them with various wounds.

According to our source, the hooligans struck at Obama and Obasanjo Hostels where they made attempt to rape the female students before laying siege on the male hostel, carting away their valuable including various brands of cell phones and money belonging to the students without a fight back from security outfits in the school who were bound hands and foot by the criminals.
Our source said, “when the boys came into the hostels, the security who were on guard were busy sleeping in the Common Room, the boys then pointed guns at them and carried out their raid smoothly on the students, collected their phones and monies before leaving”.
Sadly, two of the Corpers who were severely wounded by the gangsters were escaping from being injured when the armed bandits swoop on them and left with some of their items which include money, phones and lap tops.
Prior to this very incidence which broke the camels back, it was gathered that several attacks have been launched on the College hostels in time past and the school, where some offices belonging to Home Economics and Agricultural Science, under the faculty of Vocations and English Language, faculty of Art/Social Sciences were invaded with computer sets and other valuable missing after the siege.
Commenting on the level of insecurity within the school community, the source noted that, security within the school is very poor, stating further that armed robbery is been perpetrated within the school in broad day light.
He said further that, “since I got admission into the school in 2010, security has been a mirage in the institution”.
He observed that, the school management which is currently headed by an Acting Provost, Dr. Moses C. Omayuli who recently took over from Dr. Daniel Duwovwiji Whawo including the Student Union Government (SUG), led by Eyamekware Emmanuel have not given any positive response to the plights of the students.
It was learnt that the management of the school after the attack evacuated the hostlers from their various hostels and asked them to go home for the meantime as the incidence occurred during the Easter season.
Two of the students who refused to heed to the evacuation order by the school, one Derick Ovedje, a 200 level student of Political Science/Social Studies Department while the other who was simply identified as Erhiga, a 100 level student from same department were attacked, the duo were occupants of Obasanjo Hostel, Rooms 4 and 5 respectively.
The students have however, returned back to their hostels for their first semester examination in the 2012/2013 academic session which kicked off barely one week ago as security personnel and the local vigilante have beefed up security in the school environment and the Street (Ekwevugbe) where the Corpers are resident in.
It was gathered that, the owner of the street, Mr. Adam Ekwevugbe has aligned with men of the Joint Military Task Force (JTF), to secure lives and property.
Meanwhile, students have lamented epileptic power and shortage water supply in the school. Though, the school has more than one generating plants yet it suffered total blackout in the last two weeks as it could not generate enough power to the hostels.
Our Correspondent learnt that, the plants are made to work for only 2 hours between 8:00pm and 10:00pm which commenced Tuesday (yesterday), during the period the examination would last.
The source noted that the during the regime of one Mr. Moni who was the former Provost who handed office to the immediate past Provost, peace and security were enjoyed by all in the school.
He called on the state government to provide the College with social amenities and urged the present Acting Provost, Dr. Omayuli to do better than his predecessors.

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