Published On: Fri, Feb 28th, 2014

Delta Local Govt. Workers Embark on Indefinite Strike over Non-Payment of Salaries

By Ibebe Rufus.
LAGOS FEBRUARY 28TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Workers of Delta State Local Government under the auspices of National Union of Local Government Employee (NULGE) yesterday commenced an indefinite strike action over non-payment of three months salaries by Delta State Government.
There was no activity in the local government offices spread across the state as gates to the local government offices were under lock with only angry looking security men standing by the gates. Those who have businesses to transact at the local government offices were disappointed as they were unable to gain entrance to the local government premises.
Urhobotoday investigation revealed that the workers embarked on strike because the state government has not paid their salaries since December 2013. It was revealed that the local government officials and their families did not celebrate the last yuletide festivities hence they were not paid December salary.
A staff of the local government in Ughelli North Local Government Area who simply identified as Mr. Johnson Adagharagba said they have not been paid since December 2013, adding that the last three months have been very tough for him and his family.
His words “How can you be working and still beg money to feed your family. You see this government do not take us as human beings. If not why would they not pay our salaries for the past three months when they are sharing millions among themselves? We celebrated Christmas and New Year in hunger because they refuse to pay us our salaries. So we shall remain on strike until they pay us”.
The ever busy secretariats of Ughell North and Ughelli South were as quite as a graveyard as at when Urhobotoday online visited the premises.. Many offices were locked.
An angry female staff of the Union in Ughelli North, Mrs Roseline Atefia who said she is the bread winner of their home having lost her husband two years ago lamented that her children have not resumed school this year because she could not pay their school fees. She wondered how could they be working without been paid, adding that they would remain on strike until the state government respond to their plight.
All efforts to reach officials of Delta State government mostly Ughelli North Local Government Chairman Hon. Friday Akpoyibo and Ughelli South LGA Chairman Chief Anthony Oviri Uto prooved abortive.

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