Published On: Sun, Oct 20th, 2013

Delta Central Election:Shield Your Swords, Group Appeals to Aggrieved Candidates

An Urhobo Social political group, Urhobo Interest Initiative (UII) has called on the senatorial candidates of all political parties involved in the Delta Central bye-election not to endanger the unity of Urhobo for political interest, urging both the winner of the senatorial election, Olorogun Emmanuel Aguariavwodo and other candidates to put their political interest aside for the progress of the people who they seek to represent.
The group while addressing a press conference in Ughelli, the administrative headquarters of Ughelli North of Delta State, said now that the senatorial election is over, all hands should be on desk to move the people forward. They added that for the interest of the people of Delta Central there was no loser at the election but all were winners, and there was no need to cause disunity within the people.
The coordinate of the group, Comrade Sunny Basikoro who addressed pressmen averred that it is unwise for some political apologists to want doom and political chaos in the senatorial district all for mere political interest.
According to Basikoro, “Urhobo interest is more Paramount than anyone’s interest. Now that the election is over, every other interest should be gear towards moving Urhobo forward. Before politics Urhobo was, so those proponents of if don’t win we should destroy it, is unwise because the unity of Urhobo nation should not be traded for politics of today.
“If the aspirants who seek to represent the people of Urhobo at the senate do not set aside their personal interest for the even development of Urhobo Land, it means their interest was for self glorification and not to serve the people.”
He noted further that Urhobo needs somebody who can enter the nation’s seat of decision and bring back development to the disadvantaged Urhobo people.
While paying tribute to the late Senator Pius Ewherido for his unequal and astute representation even from an opposition opposition party, urged the senator-elect to fast track development to the people of the area. He advised the senator-elect to reach out to other aspirants at the election to work for the common goal of the Urhobo people.
“We members of Urhobo Interest Initiative also called on Olorogun John Oguma, Olorogun O’Tega Emerhor, Chief Ede Dafinone, Barr. Andi Osawota, and other political parties to stay away from further media war all for the election. If they continue in this manner, they will end up in destroying and create hatred among our people”, Basikoro said.
The group congratulated Olorogun Emmanuel Aguariavwodo on his victory. They solicited his support for the immortalization of Senator Ewherido who died at the national hospital Abuja on June 30 after a brief illness.

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