Published On: Fri, Aug 22nd, 2014

Delta 2015: Omo-Agege Pledges to Restore Moribund Companies If….

Obaisi Ovie Omo-Agege (centre with umbrella) besieged by women loyalist during his visit to his hometown, Orogun

Delta State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship aspirant, Obaisi (Barr.) Ovie Omo-Agege has promised to revitalize moribund companies owned by Delta State Government and private individuals if elected governor of Delta State in 2015.
Omo-Agege who made the pledge recentky during his consultation visit to PDP Ika West and Ika East Local Government Area of Delta State promised that if elected governor of Delta State he would revitalize moribund Asaba Texile Mill, Delta Glass Factory, ATP and private ventures like Superbru and Olo drinks among others.
He said the reason behind the revitalization of the companies is line with his plan to create employment opportunities to the teeming unemployed youths in Delta State, adding that if the companies were brought back to life, it would create employment opportunities for the people of Delta State, boost business opportunities and it would also act as source of revenue generation for the state government.
Hear him, “If elected Governor of Delta State, my government will give moribund companies like Asaba textile Mill, Delta Glass Factory, AT&P and private ventures like Superbru among others repayable grant for them to come upstream. If this is done, we will insist on local content by compelling them to give jobs and contract to Delta State indigenes. This will create more job opportunity and internal revenue generation. By so doing, if the youths are employed they will not think of involving themselves in criminal activities like kidnapping or other vices. This is why I subscribe to Uduaghan’s programme of “Delta State Beyond Oil”.”
He said all of the governorship aspirants that are contesting along with him are very qualified, but quickly added that he is the most qualified and most capable for the governance of Delta State.
“ If elected Governor of Delta State, I will bring other aspirants together and harvest all their good ideas for the betterment and development of Delta State,” Omo-Agege, who said he intends to reduce crime in Delta State by introducing Community Security Marshall in each communities explained.
Omo-Agege who also promised addressing the issue of flooding and erosion in Ika East and Ika West local government area also vowed that Umunede to Ubiri Road and other infrastructural facilities in the locality will be constructed by his government.
Responding to Omo-Agege request, PDP Chairman of Ika North LGA, Ogadi Godwin said they were aware of Omo-Agege qualities and past experience, adding that he had the good qualities of a man which they could differentiate from the boys.
“We are aware of your qualities and past performance. One thing I will thank you is the respect and regard you have for us. We are aware that there are many aspirants. We are also aware that you are one of the best. Our prayer is that people like you who knew the politicians, and who knew the terrain should become the governor of Delta State. Whatever you have in your mind God will give it to you,” he prayed.

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