Published On: Fri, Jan 25th, 2013

Commandant in Trouble for Allegedly Exposing Rot of Police College …I’ll sue FG if anything happens to him-Falana

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Yerima, Ikeja Police College Commandant

The Commandant of the Police College, Ikeja, Lagos State, Irimiya Yerima, has been summoned to the police headquarters in Abuja to answer questions over the Channels TV report on the rot at the college.
It was gathered that Yerima may be used as a “scape goat” to show the Force’s displeasure over the role he allegedly played in allowing the damning television documentary, which showed police recruits scrambling for the head of a fish and other dismal revelations of deplorable living condition at the college.

A police source, who requested anonymity, said Yerima’s fate hangs in the balance “over what the Presidency described as negative image given to Nigeria by the exposure of the rot in the college to the world.”
However, in a swift reaction, Lagos based human rights lawyer, Femi Falana, on Thursday threatened to sue the Presidency if Yerima was dismissed over the Channels TV report.
According to Falana, the commandant was not responsible for the rot in the college and therefore should not be used as a scape goat, adding that Yerima did not commit any offence to warrant being relieved of his job or transferred from his duty post based on the report.
Falana said: “If Jonathan dismisses Yerima, I will go to court to challenge him and I will defend the CP free of charge because he has not committed any offence.
“Under the Freedom of Information Act, it would have been an offence for anyone to stop Channels Television from filming the college and we have no evidence it was Yerima who gave them access to do so.”
Source: Eagleonline

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