Published On: Fri, May 17th, 2013

2015: Stop Beating Drums of War, Itsekiri Leader, Rita Lori Warns politicians

The Igba of Warri, Chief Rita Lori-Ogbebor

The Igba of Warri, Chief Rita Lori-Ogbebor, yesterday, warned politicians to desist from making inciting statements capable of heating up the polity.
Ogbebor, who addressed newsmen in Lagos on the state of the nation, maintained that the President Goodluck Jonathan administration must deliver Nigeria as an indivisible entity in 2015.
According to her, the state of insecurity in the country has become worrisome as same had risen to an alarming height.

She said: “I never thought that there would be a time in Nigeria when bombings and kidnappings would be the order of the day. That gets people like me, a mother and grandmother, very worried. So, to think that at my age, I can’t move out of my house without fear and even when I’m inside my house, I’m afraid, then there is fear everywhere. What I’m going through now is what every Nigerian is going through. We are afraid, we are angered.
“President Jonathan was not voted into office by gun, but the whole country voted him en masse to do certain things, to reduce unemployment, to ensure stability of the country and make us proud Nigerians.
“Jonathan needs peace of mind to carry out the task we voted him for. He must be given that chance. What should be important to Jonathan is to deliver this country by 2015 as an indivisible entity. We gave this country as Nigeria and by 2015, he should deliver it back to Nigerians. So he needs all the peace to deliver.”
Advising politicians making inciting statements to desist, the Itsekiri leader cautioned those who said they were helping President Jonathan or those who said they were his friends, to stop the drums of war as they would be creating more problems for him.

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