Published On: Thu, Jun 13th, 2019

Ovie Omo-Agege: Hero Or Villain

By Grade-one Clark
LAGOS JUNE 13TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The newly minted Deputy Senate President, Senator Augustine Ovie Omo Agege, needs no introduction, especially to Deltans, infact, he is a household name in the state and even beyond. He has overnight donned the garb of a celebrity, with his election and induction yesterday, as the new deputy president of the 9th Senate of the Federal Republic. Ovie Omo Agege shot himself from an obscure senator to national prominence, or do I say notoriety, almost 2 years ago, when as alleged, he in a commando style, led brigands into the hallowed floor of the red chamber and snatched its symbol of authority, the mace.
His action was said to have been prompted by a rumoured conspiracy in the National Assembly to impeach President Buhari, for his supposed many infractions against the Senate leadership, and lacklustre style of governance. Senator Omo Agege is a stalwart of the APC, a born again one for that matter. He refused to accept the arrant shenanigans of his rebel comrades. That singular act political pundits say endeared him to the unforgiving twisted heart of President Buhari and his northern oligarchs. And yesterday was Agege’s pay back time. He got the jewel on the crown, while his opponents and enemies were swept into political dustbin in one breath.
Ever since that clandestine operation, in which he led brigands, into the Senate chamber, in broad day light, Agege lost his sleep and peace of mind until only yesterday. Omo Agege is a lawyer by training, and a brilliant one at that. Just until yesterday, he relentlessly used his legal skills to frustrate opponents, and as well navigate through troubled seas and sharks infested oceans. Until his elevation to the esteemed second highest office of the National Assembly, the Senator has been engaged in many fights, in several fronts, all at the same time, both legal and political, battling for his survival and relevance.
The Bukola Saraki led Senate never forgave, spared, nor gave him a pat on the back for his supposed heroism, or do we say, coup against the house. He was vilified, hunted and constantly disparaged to the last moment. But like the proverbial cat with nine lives, Agege weathered all storms and bounced back yesterday, coasting to victory, and eminence. The question many want answered, is whether the honourable senator is a hero or a villain. And, that whether others should emulate him, and follow his footsteps in the future.
Due to readers apathy to long winding essays, I won’t dig deeper than this, into some of the many contending issues to which the honourable senator was enmeshed, for they are contemporary, and lots of people are abreast with them. APC supporters in Delta State are agog in celebration, their Daniel has come to judgement. After due consideration of the many variables that played out, to which the senator was involved, but not found guilty, both in Delta and the larger Nigeria, do we now acclaim him a worthy son and pride of our state?

Grade-one Clark Writer/Political analyst writes from Asaba, Delta State

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