Published On: Sun, Dec 8th, 2013

Urhobo Nation’ll Get Dividend of Democracy Soonest- Aziza

President of Urhobo Progress Union (UPU) Gen Patrick Aziza (RTD)

President of Urhobo Progress Union (UPU) Gen Patrick Aziza (RTD)

This interview with the re-elected President of Urhobo Progress Union (UPU), Gen Patrick Aziza (RTD) was conducted in his country home two days before he was re-elected for second term as the President of Urhobo Progress Union. In the interview with Oghenekevwe Laba, the retired general who was two time Minister during the Military rule speaks on the need for Urhobos to exercise restraint, regret of those responsible for their oppression just as he affirmed that Urhobos will soon get the dividends of democracy among other issues
Sir, can you tell the people why you are seeking re-election into the post of President General of UPU?
I am re-running for election. It is the people who will decide whether I should come back or not. I think I am putting Urhobo on the right track and we need time to solidify what we have done in the past. There is consciousness among the Urhobos hence there is struggling to be part of the executive. It will be a show for us to say we are getting Urhobos aware of their right to make them believe they are Urhobos and they will believe and possibly die for Urhobo course.
The Urhobos have been lamenting of marginalization both at the state and the national level. Now that you are contesting for second term, what are your plans toward correcting the impression?
We are trying to correct this wrongs. We are approaching the right quarters. They now realize that they made mistakes and they praise us for our calmness. Soon we shall be having the full dividends of democracy from Jonathan led administration.
As an Urhobo leader will you support Jonathan coming back in 2015 despite the cry of marginalisation b his administration?
I will support any Nigerian who takes Urhobo along. Jonathan who is there is trying. It takes heart to embark on some of the project he is executing. For instance, it takes heart to privatise PHCN. It is only in military regime that you can do it. I give him kudos. If giving a good environment to operate he will perform very well. We will support such a person.
We know full well that you and your delegates visited President Goodluck Jonathan sometime ago. Do you think such visit will yield good result for the Urhobos?
It is already yielding good result. It has open a gate way. I now have a key to open some sections of Aso Rock. Apart from that visit, I have been there twice on private visit. I have the believe that they will allow me to see the President and put our needs before him. I think we are having some dividends out of that visit.
Finally sir, the election is fast approaching, what is your message to the Urhobos with respect to your re-election?
I will tell the Urhobos, my fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters and my children that they should be united, be humble and fight for a better day.

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