Published On: Fri, Sep 13th, 2013

Tompolo’s Private Jet And Other Lies


By Pondi Kestin
I have consistently restrained myself from responding to lies and unfounded comments made on the person of High Chief Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo aka Tompolo on his days in the creeks and afterwards. As responding to deliberately concocted lies is nothing but an attempt to give credence to counterfactual affirmations, hence the need to thread the part of silence – since silence in itself is the best response to a fool. However, the latest rumour on his acquisition of a private jet has become one lie too many.
Therefore, for the purpose of setting the records straight, I hereby state categorically that all such malicious rumours peddled in recent times on Tompolo owning oil blocks, mansions in Abuja and Lagos and overseas are false. These are lies deliberately made up and disseminated by criminal elements whose aim is to tarnish Tompolo’s personality. These are criminals whose ignoble exploits are currently affected by Tompolo’s efforts to support the government in ensuring peace and security in the Niger Delta region and in Nigeria at large.
Anyone who has the Niger Delta at heart and thinking critically how the multiplicity of problems bedeviling the inhabitants of the region could be tackled would have little or no time for such frivolities orchestrated by sponsored enemies of the region and her people.
The most recent attack on Tompolo’s person is an unfounded report titled: “The Opportunity Cost of Tompolo’s Private Jet” supposedly written by one Kikiowo Ileowo and published in an unpopular online blog which has assisted these rumour peddlers in the spread of falsehood across social media space. I wish to state unequivocally that: High Chief Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo aka Tompolo does not have a Bombardier Lear 60SE Jet or any jet for that matter.
The likes of Kikiowo Ileowo should know that jets (Bombardier or of other sorts) are yet to be accommodated anywhere in Tompolo’s scale of preference. If he had $13.3 million as alleged by the liar, he would gladly invest such money to uplift the poor, suffering and downtrodden in oil-bearing yet unnoticed communities of the Niger Delta through his foundation (Tompolo Foundation) rather than buy a jet. Tompolo knows just how far $13.3 million will go in ameliorating the suffering of his people in the Niger Delta region who have been ultimately forgotten by Governments in Nigeria and the multinationals engaged in the degradation of the region through their oil exploration activities.
This should serve as an outcry to journalists to desist from the lazy man’s approach to the noble profession of journalism. They should not sit in beer parlours to gather rumours for publication online/newspapers rather they should embrace investigative journalism and adhere to the ethics of balanced, fairness and objectivity.
Finally, I appreciate all those that have contacted the family and friends of Tompolo to ascertain the veracity of the rumours. Also, thanks to those who have taken time out of their tight schedule to comment online and otherwise against the phantom jet rumour and other lies.
Truth is sacred!
Thank you.
Pondi Kestin

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