Published On: Tue, Aug 20th, 2013

6 Slump during Protest against Disappearance of 3,000 Employment Forms for Delta Fire Service Recruitment

Protesting unemployed Delta State youths

LAGOS AUGUST 20TH (URHOBOTODAY)-No fewer than 3000 recruitment forms for the Delta State Civil Service Fire Department allegedly vanished yesterday. In line with Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan’s initiative to provide employment opportunities for Deltans, forms for the recruitment into vacant positions in the state’s Fire Service were reportedly printed free to enable qualified persons access the job.
But this was not to be as the forms allegedly allocated 12 to each Ward in the 25 Local Government Councils, have “grown winds”, leaving thousands of the “unemployed” protesting at the premises of the state civil service.

Unconfirmed sources said that the forms were allegedly diverted by top Civil Service officials for their relations/children,’ an opportunity for them to bring them on board.
In the crowd of job seekers yesterday, six persons who were on the queue waiting to get the form(s) slumped and were rushed to a nearby hospital where they are at present responding to treatment.
Leadership reliably gathered that the form(s) printed “Not for sale”, are allegedly kept in the office of a highly placed Civil Servant who unsuspectingly distributes them among his friends/relations including co-workers for sale in secret.
Though officers at the civil service Commission denied sale of the forms, but some of them who spoke to our correspondent on condition of anonymity confirmed that the forms “grew wings” adding that the situation at present has been creating rumpus.
Leadership checks revealed that over 20,000 unemployed persons are at present jostling for 30 vacant positions in the state’s fire service; an indication that unemployment rate still remain high.
Speaking to Journalists, the state Head of Service, Sir Okey Offili, said government will look into the disappearance of the forms, adding that those behind the act would be brought to book.

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