Published On: Mon, Aug 12th, 2013

Donparker Disassociates Itself from Uduaghan’s Corruption Allegations

LAGOS AUGUST 12TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The management of Donparker Nigeria Limited, a private business concern has distanced itself from allegation of corrupt practices in its operations with the Delta State Government.
A statement in reaction to a media report that the firm is one of the phantom companies used to siphon funds from the state treasury, to the detriment of the Delta people, Donparker insisted that all its business relationships with the state government have successfully scaled through the hurdles of due process.
The statement signed by its Public Affairs Strategist, Mr Kunle Adegboyiga, at the end of its board meeting in Abuja, dismissed the allegations as tissue of lies orchestrated by its business competitors and rivals who believed that in doing so, the state government would be stopped from doing further business with the firm.
“As a private going business concern, we see the allegations as a deliberate attempt by some business interests to out do us. We therefore urged the Nigerian public and the Organised Private Sector (OPS) to disregard those waging war of terrorism against Donparker.
“As business enterprise, we are engaged in waste management with various oil and gas companies in warri and Delta state, and even beyond. And because of our heavy duty equipment we are engage by the state government to evacuate waste from warri and environs” the statement said.
A group, Movement For The Protection Of The Rights Of Deltans (MPROD), had In a petition titled “How Uduaghan Is Mortgaging The Future Of Deltans: Part 2,” accused state officials of using “phantom companies such as Donparker, believed to be owned by one Mr Omatsuli Tuoyo, a younger brother to Mr. Uduaghan’s wife and the governor’s senior special assistant in charge of Special Duties, to siphon state funds”.
The statement described as laughable allegations that
Donparker receives N150 million monthly purportedly to ‘Settle’ the Revenue and Fiscal Commission in Abuja; shared between state officials and its representatives.
It also noted with disdain the libellous and slandering attempt by the group to ridicule the person of Mr Tuoyo when it claimed that “he is more or less the de facto deputy governor and Uduaghan’s personal treasurer”.
Deltan must all rise up to challenge these fallacious media propaganda against Donparker, saying that Nigerians and indeed Deltans must be weary of callous merchants whose pre occupation is the campaign of calumny against upcoming young businessmen and women” in the state.
Source: Frontiernews

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  1. Eseroghene E Eseroghene E says:

    The enemies of progress is at work but they will all fail.

  2. A rejoinder:

    Our attention has been drawn to a publication titled: “GROUP ACCUSES GOV. UDUAGHAN OF USING PHANTOM COMPANIES, CRONIES TO SIPHON TREASURY”. To this publication we hereby do the following rejoinder.
    We are abysmally dismayed at the content of the said publication particularly the portion pertaining to our company Don Parker General Enterprises Limited. We hereby state unequivocally that the publication is a complete fabrication of lies woven with the apparent intent of denting the over one decade integrity which our company has built and continue to consolidate on.
    As the legal adviser and Secretary of the company, I am very conversant with the activities of the company and hereby do this rejoinder with the highest sense of responsibility.
    By my practice as an Attorney at Law and my pedigree which is easily verifiable from online searches, I am in the standing to attest to the true position in the issue.
    To place this rejoinder in proper perspective it may be necessary to provide a glimpse into my identity.
    I am an Attorney of Law and Notary Public of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with 13 (Thirteen) years of post-call experience. I also have expertise in Peace Building; having acquired both local and international trainings in the field; including one conducted by the Geneva University of Peace. I obtained 2 (Two) peace building certificates from the American University, Washington DC.

    My Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree is of the Obafemi Awolowo University, IIe-Ife, Nigeria in addition to a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA) which I earlier on obtained from the Edo State University, Ekpoma.

    Based on my wealth of experience in peace building, I was engaged by the International Foundation for Education and Self Help (IFESH) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in several conflict mitigation activities in the Niger-Delta.

    I also consulted as a peace building programmer for the Partnership Initiatives in the Niger-Delta (PIND) for 3 years. PIND is an establishment of Chevron Incorporation with focus on provision of socio-economic support for communities in the Niger-Delta.

    I am the Managing Director of Robinson Ariyo & Co, a law firm with operational bases in Warri and Abuja. I have for over a decade provided support for social development organizations across the Niger-Delta region in the course of which I helped with several researches, analysis and advocacy.
    The above having been said, I shall now demonstrate the malicious, baseless, and malignant nature of the said publication.

    Key points:
    1. The said publication is an accusation the nature of which has become a routine in the Nigerian political space where tribalism and ethnicity has become a bane. Don Parker General Enterprises Limited is owned by persons from Itsekiri ethnic extraction without any blood or social ties with the Governor of Delta State. The company’s registration documents are available with the Corporate Affairs Commission for payment of minimal fees for any serous minded person who desires to verify same. The said petition upon which the publication was done was issued by person of different tribes from that of Governor Uduaghan and the owners of the company. For the avoidance of doubt, the petition was signed by two of the arch enemies of the Itsekriri people, the Ijaws and the Urhobos. It is apparent that what is at play here is a tribally motivated attack on the Governor who is an Itsekri as well as the Directors of the Company who coincidentally happen to be Itsekris of completely different stocks. The said petition was not signed by any Itsekiri person. The question then arises; “How come it is only persons from the tribes that are at loggerheads with that of the Governor that signed the petition. Is it not clear that the petition is tribally driven?” This is obviously a tribal attack and nothing more!

    2. Tribalism in Delta State of Nigeria has since its creation been known to have a most debilitating effect hence it has been impossible to administer the state with this vice constituting a major problem like the one that is intended to be created by the said petition and publication.

    3. Mr Tuoyo Omatsuli is neither a Director nor a share holder in the said company. The incorporation documents of the company shows this too clearly. Besides, Mr. Tuoyo Omatsuli is not related to the Governor of Delta State neither is he related to the wife of the Governor of Delta State. The Governor of Delta State has no interest at all in the said company.

    4. Don Parker General Enterprises Limited is not a phantom company and the company is most embarrassed by the said publication and hereby challenges the accusers to provide proof to the contrary.

    On behalf of Don Parker General Enterprises Limited we hereby demand a written apology from the publishers of the said story, Sahara Reporters, within 14 days from the making of this rejoinder as we might otherwise be compelled to initiate legal proceedings against Sahara Reporters.

    We urge the general public and particularly those doing business with Don Parker General Enterprises Limited to disregard the said accusations as being done to advance the tribal objective of the makers of the petition and without any iota of truth.

    Don Parker General Enterprises Limited remains a reputable company that has demonstrated the highest level of integrity and due diligence required for participating in any modern enterprise as tribal discrimination should have no place in a civilised society like ours.
    Our books are open for verification in this regard. We remain committed to the highest ethical standards.

    kindly help publish this as a rejoinder.

  3. Omo Delta Omo Delta says:

    Attention: Robinson Ariyor

    You shut up that your dirty mouth there

    You all (both Gov. Uduaghan & Co) are all rouges conniving to do shading deals, fronting for the Governor

    All the State allocation ( since be rigged himself in as a Governor) have been squandered by the Governor using people like you as fronts.

    Uduaghan wasted our money but he will one day pay for his crime against the people of the State

    • Omo Delta, the home where I come from we do not use your kind of language so I do not understand such lack of refinement as displayed by you here. You may want to keep such language at home. Again, you perhaps have to learn the elementary of discussion. It is usually made up of premises and conclusion with each connecting to the other. Since I see none of such in yous post, I find great difficulty responding to it at that level. Read my post again.

  4. lucky onos lucky onos says:

    you can’t deceive us by bringing urhobo and ijaw into this. you all re thieves. what did udugha do in delta state? is it the 7.5 km road you want to talk about. shut up and stop given us fake lengthen explanation. you all re rougues and ur children children shall pay someday. when you die take the wealth along udugha and co.

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