Published On: Thu, Feb 7th, 2013

Protesters Shut Down Oil Exploration in Isokoland, List Demands for Exploration

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Isoko protesters in action

Isoko communities today announced that they have shut down oil exploration activities in the area, and listed demands which must be fulfilled within seven days or else they will demand their own country where they can manage their own resources.
A statement signed by spokesman Barrister Okiroro Iki-Ebieroma said the shut-down was coordinated by executives of the Isoko Survival Synergy of Oleh, Olomoro and Emede communities and the host landlords.
It describe
d the Isoko Survival Synegy as a pressure group in Isoko land which is knowledgeable in the oil and gas industry and has been saddled with the responsibility of creating awareness and sensitizing the people.
The grievances of the communities, according to the statement, are as follows:
• The sales of OML 30 and OML 26 to Shoreline Natural Resources Ltd and First Hydro Carbon Ltd respectively representing the 45% equity stake of Shell, Total and Agip without due and prior consultation with the various Communities that are stake holders in Isoko land;
• In the course of the protest, the Communities demanded for the immediate evacuation of all NPDC personnel from the operational base field and location in Isoko Land;
• A formal agreement to be executed by the Communities before the commencement of operations;
• Compensation of 1 billion dollars from SPDC for so many years of neglect, pollution and environmental degradation;
• Patronage of indigenous Isoko contractors; and
• Guarantee of top management positions to Isoko people in the area of employment, and
Isoko people are also demanding their share of the amnesty program and pipeline surveillance, the statement further said.
The group warned: “If our demands are not met within seven days, we will be force to ask for our country where we can manage our resources.”
Source: Saharareporters

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