Published On: Mon, Jan 14th, 2013

Jonathan Lambasts Advocates of Nigeria Disintegration …..Says Nigeria ‘ll remain one united Nation

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President Goodluck Jonathan says Nigeria will remain united

President Goodluck Jonathan has urged Nigerians to condemn as well as ignore inciting remarks from certain politicians that Nigeria will be disintegrated soon, assuring that the country “will remain one united nation”.
He said only mad couple divorce after 100 years of marriage and Nigeria is not mad.
The President who was the guest of honour at the Armed Forces Remembrance Day Celebration 2013 Inter-Denominational Church Service, at the National Christian Center, Abuja, with the theme: “Peace and Unity”, said it was high time Nigerians arise in unison and condemn terrorism and those who want to divide this country by inciting the people for selfish gains.

The President stressed that for the country to get to her desired destination, all hand must be on deck, saying while government will provide the necessary infrastructure and environment, it needed the support of Nigerians to take the nation to her desired destination.
Jonathan particularly commended the Armed Forces and other security service for their selflessness, adding that despite the number of criticisms that trail some of their actions or perceived inactions, they were doing all within their powers to keep the nation one and in peace, adding that the best gift we could give to them was support and prayers.
“Let me welcome you all to this special day that we are remembering those who worked for us, served us and paid the capital prize in a way of course they died for us to live.
“We are here to remember the Armed Forces who serve within and in various parts of the world to bring peace to the world and in that process lost their lives.
“Let me appreciate the church for what you have been doing over the period, for what you have been doing persistently for peace to reign in our land and the nation to develop.
“Let me especially appreciate the leaders of the Christians who have on a daily basis organise various prayers for us.
“Let me especially thank the armed forces because today is their day and also the police and other services, we sleep because they stay awake.
“In some cases where things happen people blamed profusely but for those of us who get reports on daily happenings about such challenges, we know that these men and women have been doing very well.
“I thank them for their gallantry, dedication to service, for the work they have been doing for us and we pray that God will see them through.
“I use this unique opportunity to encourage them to continue to do what they have been doing and we believe this country will get through her various challenges.
“As we remember the work the Armed Forces and other security outfits have been doing, I think the best gift we can give to them as a people, is to pray for them and in our daily activities to preach peace, love and unity. Because if we love ourselves and we live in peace and emphasis more on the unity of this country, some of our challenges we are having we probably may not have.
“But if our leaders at whatever level, whether political, community or religious, talk more about those things that divide us instead of those things that bring us together, then we will be encouraging the younger ones who know little or nothing about the history of this country to do things differently and sometimes conduct themselves in a way that is clearly anti social.
“Some the best gifts we can give to the Armed Forces and the sister organisation is for us in our various activities to emphasis the need for us to live in peace, love ourselves and unite.
“Some people talk about disintegration of Nigeria, now even at political levels some people take it as weapon of enteritis when they want to discuss politics. But my conviction and I believe that of most people here and those listening to us is that Nigeria will continue to remain a united nation.
“Nigeria will not disintegrate. Anybody who is doing research on sociology, psychology or political science, I know Nigeria will remain one.
“In 2014 we will celebrate our centenary, 100 years in existence. It will only take two mad people to stay in marry for 100 years and say that is the time you will divorce and we are not mad. If there are issues that have been brewing over the period and we have been managing, we will continue to manage.
“We will not think about separation. I always say some nations have their own history, at times people question the unity of this country especially when they talk about the amalgamation of the north and south in 1914, some big countries have very ugly pasts. But it is not for us to begin make history, it is for us who are alive today to shift our focus and begin to talk about those things that will bring unity, development.
“I always say that Nigeria is great is not because of our oil, because we have people that produce more oil than us but we are appreciated and still reckon with because of our size and diversity both for human beings and environment. These are areas we should exploit for unity and development.
“So please let us all stand up and condemn those who say otherwise about our unity, those who call for our disintegration or who make similar statements should be condemned by all Nigerians.
“As a country made up of great citizens, when we work together, when government play her role and the citizens also play their role, surely we will get to where we want to go. If only the government or only the people are work, and the other is not playing the required role and provide the enabling environment, of course we will not go anywhere.
“But when we work together our children and our children yet unborn will be happy.
“God willing with your prayers and commitment Nigeria will get to where she wants to go”, he said.

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