Published On: Mon, Jan 20th, 2014

Groups Pass Vote of Confidence on Itsekiri Youth Leader, David Tonwe

David Tonwe, Itsekiri youth leader

By Theophilus Onojeghen
LAGOS JANUARY 20TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Youth Leaders from Itsekiri Nation have passed a unanimous vote of confidence on the National President of Itsekiri National Youth Council Hon. David Tonwe.
The youth leaders drawn from several youth bodies, said they are solidly behind the leadership of INYC even as those fanning ember of dissension and none existence of INYC do not enjoy the support of all Itsekiri youths, noting that INYC is the umbrella body of all Itsekiri youths.

Itsekiri youths gave this stand over the weekend during a solidarity visit to the National President and Executives of Itsekiri National Youth Council in Warri, Delta State.
The youths were reacting to a recent paid advertorial in one of the national dailies asking INYC leader, Hon David Tonwe to stop parading himself as INYC national president.
While condemning the said advertorial, the youths posited that such publication is condemnable in its entirety as it does not represent the position of the Itsekiri youths and it is capable of igniting crisis among the youths.
The vote of confidence was contained in a unanimous speech presented when leaders of National Association of Itsekiri Graduates (NAIG), Warri Social Development (WSD), National Association of Itsekiri Students (NAIS) and Iwere Development Association (IDA) visited INYC.
Speaking one after the other, the President of the National Association of Itsekiri Graduates (NAIG) Comrade Tenumah Alero said they were on the visit to reassured Hon Tonwe that Itsekiri youths are solidly behind him and that he has their support as the president of INYC.
Also speaking, Comrade Agbateyiniro Weyinmi, the National Secretary of Iwere Development Association (IDA) posited that IDA is very proud of the achievements of INYC under the leadership of David Tonwe, saying that those who made the said publication were not only misinformed but also do not have the support of Iwere youths.
According to him, INYC is the parent body of all Itsekiri youth’s group, adding that Ugborodo crisis should not be drawn into INYC activities as the group belongs to all Itsekiri youths.
On their part, the National Association of Itsekiri Students led by its National President, Comrade Leleji Augustine stated that “I am standing here on behalf all Itsekiri students home and abroad to assure you that we are solidly behind you.”
Responding, the National President of Itsekiri National Youth Council (INYC) Hon. David Tonwe while thanking the groups for the visit, posited that such publication will not deter the group from its good works for the Itsekiri people.
“We are very happy for the step you people have taken so far. Actually, few days ago we saw the publication and in own wildest dream, we think it is the handwork of the fifth calumnies. We don’t want to take it seriously because we believe that it will not hinder us as an executive. The publication cannot derail us from the good work we are doing for the Itsekiri people.
“As you all aware, INYC is not the property of David Tonwe neither that of us who are executives. It is for everybody. Tomorrow can be your turn. And we are praying that if we can have a well cultured people like you we would be very glad and bring you into the system and take over from us. I want to enjoin you not to relent on the way and manner you are approaching issues in Itsekiri land”, Tonwe stressed.
He noted that INYC members are drawn from over one hundred Itsekiri communities and that the body was duly registered with the corporate affairs commission.
According to him, “The Itsekiri Nation is not for sale. Nobody is bigger than the Itsekiri nation but together, we can make great things happen for our Itsekiri people.”

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