Published On: Sun, Aug 25th, 2013

PHOTOS/STORY: Majemite Declares for Senate, Says He is a Better Candidate

Olorogun Fred Majemite receicing prayer from Chairman PDP Delta Central Chief Sam Amioku

Personal Assistant to Delta State Governor on Political Affairs, Olorogun Fred Okiemute Majemite has joined the race for the Delta Central Senatorial seat made vacant as a result of the demise of Senator Pius Ewherido. Oghenekevwe Laba who was in the consultation entourage of Majemite gives a vivid account of the event with pictorial illustration

(R-L) Secretary Urhobo Youth Council (UYC) Olorogun Omovudu Jaro Egbo, Olorogun Fred Majemie and Chief Friday Erheten

In Delta State politics, the name Olorogun Fred Okiemute Majemite is a household material. Although, he has not held any elected offices, but by the virtue of his political status, he has held one political appointment or the other including positions of commissioner.
Thus, his contesting for the position of a Senator is not a strange thing to him hence he had made the attempt ten years ago, but was asked to step aside for Chief Felix Ibru by the power brokers of People Democratic Party (PDP) after he must spent time and money campaigning. When he was asked to step aside, he did not take offence, grudge anyone or decamp to another party, but accepted his fate as a loyal PDP member.

Olorogun Fred Majemite (2nd from left) during the singing of Urhobo national anthem at PDP Secretariat Ughelli

Despite being forced to step down for another candidate, Majemite being a humble and loyal party member sacrificed his time, energy and resources to ensure that the party won both the Senatorial seat and Governorship election at that time. For the paste ten years Majemite has been silent but working assiduously underground for the success of his great party the PDP.

(R-L) Olorogun Fred Majemite, Chief Austin Oloro and Dr Fred Ikevwie during a visit to Oloro's house to wish him happy birthday

Few months ago an Urhobo illustrious son Senator Pius Ewherido who was member of Senate representing Delta Central Senatorial district in the Senate passed on. This opened another vista for the contest of the vacant position left behind by his demise. After his demise, several aspirants have made their intention known about their interest in occupying the seat.

(L-R) Olorogun Fred Majemite, PDP member and DESOPADEC Commissioner Chief Christopher Obiuwevbi ( Alias Ominimi)

While Majemite felt sad about Ewherido’s demise whom he described as a friend, he is however of the opinion that the vacuum left behind by Ewherido should be filled by a credible candidate that will put smiles in the faces of the Urhobos in term of effective representation and attraction of development to the community which many have claimed had been seriously marginalized. It is under these circumstances that Majemite made himself available for the service of his ethnic nationality.

(L-R) Florence Gbemre, Special Assistant to Dr Emmanuel UduaghaN, Tina Alawuru and Mrs Edah Ekemere

While declaring his intention to contest for the noble position Majemite at the residence of Delta Central PDP Chairman Sam Amioku argued that he is credible and qualified to occupy the senatorial seat. He informed the PDP strongmen that ten years ago he aspired for the same position of senate but was enjoined to step aside for Chief Felix Ibru.

(L-R) Chairman PDP Ughelli North Shedrack Imoniero, Vice Chairman PDP Ughelli North Chief Omaderiaye and other PDP executives Ughelli North

“Sam Amioku, Pius Ewherido, Ighoyota Amori and other PDP strongmen were in the meeting at Asaba when I was asked to step aside for Felix Ibru. I bought the for N1.1m. The money was not refunded to me. Despite that I bear no grudge and was still a loyal member of the party. I did not decamp, rather I assisted Chief Felix Ibru during the compaign and ensured that he won the election. I also spent my personal money running into millions of Naira in support of the Governor during his campaign.

Chief Christopher Obiuwevbi (Alias Ominimi) flanked stunch members of PDP during Majemite's visit to Chief Sam Amioku residence

“If ten years ago, I was qualified and was able to aspire for the noble position of Senate, it means I am more qualified presently to occupy the position hence I have matured in govermenyal issues by virtues of the various appointment I have held ever since. When I look around I feel I am qualified for the position. After dropping for Felix Ibru ten years ago, I have since then held many political offices which include personal assistant to the governor and commissioner among others. I have been very steady and loyal member of the party.

Majemite women thrilling the audience with music at PDP Secretariat Ughelli

“I am appealing to you to give me the mandate to represent Urhobos at the Senate. When I get there, I will consult widely. We cannot afford to be in opposition. PDP must get it right this time around. The best among us should be allowed to go to the Senate. The party should screen us and know our quality. Look at me and stand for me. It is one man one vote. Give me the opportunity,” He appealed.

Chief Christopher Obiuwevbi (Alias Ominimi) flanked stunch members of PDP during Majemite's visit to Chief Sam Amioku residence

In response, Amioku confirmed Majemite statement of stepping aside for Ibru as being the truth. He, however, advised Majemite to expand his consultation hence PDP is a large party. Hear him, “My advice to you is that you should consult widely because PDP is very large party. As you are consulting be observant. Do not live any department behind and always give us feedback on how far you go. We have already prayed for you and our prayer will follow you. This issue involves the whole Urhobos. God will protect you. PDP must get to where we are going to. The joy will go round the whole urhoboland. We must get this position this time.”

Olorogun Fred Majemite brainstorming with Delta State PDP strong man Chief SAm Amioku during a visit to his residence

Earlier on, Majemite had paid a consultation visit to PDP Ughelli North branch soliciting for their support. He appealed to the members to stand by him saying he is qualified academically and with political experienced to represent the Urhobos perfectly. He promised to consult with the top echelon of UPU so as to know what level of development that should be attracted to the Urhobos.
Chairma PDP Ughelli North, Shedrack Imoniero described Majemite as someone who had contributed a lot to the development of the party in the local government area, adding that he was among those who organized the congress of the local government PDP.

Olorogun Fred Majemite (Centre) flanked by two members of his entourage at Chief Sam Amioku residence

According to him, “My pride today is that we shall produce member of House of Representative, House of assembly and member of senate in PDP. God will guide and protect you as you plan to go to the senate. Urhobo and PDP should send you to the Senate. It is somebody we trust we will give our vote to. It is not the one that will destroy us. We put hope on you.”

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