Published On: Sat, Feb 16th, 2013

Delta State:Police Quizes Church Workers Over Missing N3.5m Offering

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Police detectives in Asaba, Delta State, are interrogating 16 workers of a popular Catholic Church over an alleged missing of N3.5million offering. LEADERSHIP WEEKEND’s sources said that the offering was collected during Four Sunday services and put in the custody of account clerks who were instructed by the priest to pay it to the church account. In the tradition of the church, the offering is usually paid into the church account on work days, but this was notdone following requests for financial assistance by some church members to the priest, who allegedly instructed the account clerks to advance certain amount of money to them and pay the balance into the account. The clerks, in connivance with some fraudulent members, allegedly agreed to delay the fund till Tuesday morning before going to the bank where the bubble burst.

LEADERSHIP WEEKEND learnt that there had been reported cases of stealing in the CatholicChurch, with a litany of complaints by some of the credible workers. These credible workers, it was gathered, had complained of conspiracy by some wardens who had reportedly been treated with kid gloves. A senior police officer among the detectives, who did not want his name in print, said the 16 workers are currently facing interrogation over the missing money, adding that they might be charged to court as some of them have confessed to the crime. Police spokesman in the Delta State command, ASP Famous Ajieh, confirmed that detectives were investigating the case with the aim of bringing the suspects to book. Last Sunday at the Saint Patrick Catholic Church, Asaba, parishioners were shocked when two teenagers allegedly stole bags belonging to some female worshippers. The bags were said to have contained handsets, money and other
Source: Leadership

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