Published On: Sun, Jan 20th, 2013

Oghara Kingdom Before Sunset

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By Onome Efeturi
If pain of losing a kingdom due to cheer docility can assume human nature of height, that of about losing Oghara kingdom would be like an iroko tree. That Oghara kingdom is going down is no more news, what many would want to see as news is the ignoble drama that unfolded that culminated in such regrettable loose.
The ‘Oghara kingdom lose’ story is nothing short of kingdom annexation through the back door by the Itsekiris. If Oghara people are too docile to know that the Itsekiris using Uduaghan is about conquering Urhobo kingdom, UPU should be perceptive enough to realize this.

The name ‘Urhobo win’ is harmless but carries a lot of weight. The age long Urhobo-Itsekiri tussle over land the quest of the latter to acquire lands it never owned, led to such name as available record shows. From the Warri crisis which is fairly recent and countless court cases, the supremacy battle between the itsekiris and Urhobo ethnic groups, manifest in several respects.
Consequently, the Itsekiris have never failed to utilize any opportunity that presents itself to take their own pound of flesh from the Urhobos in their quest to acquire ‘dry land’ since naturally, they are purely riverine group.
One such opportunity they have chosen to utilize to conquer Urhobo nation and Oghara kingdom, is the use of Uduaghan to ‘impose an Itsekiris man on Oghara kingdom as a king’. The story is long but those following the trend, would find it easy to understand the issue at hand.
While this is purely an Oghara kingdom wahala, it has a long term political and ethnic implication for the entire Urhobo nation. Oghara kingdom caving to the manipulation of the Itsekiris under Uduaghan, means a reduction in the number of kingdoms in Urhobo land from 23 to 22. This equally has a political implication because ‘toxic vote’ margin needed to rubbish the majority status of the Urhobos, would have just been helped.
Alleged Uduaghan induced tussle for the Ovie stool in Oghara kingdom following the death of the immediate Ovie of Oghara kingdom, is about to climax. With two extra individuals purportedly crowned aside one accepted by the people, available information have it that Uduaghan using his executive power as state governor, is set to present staff of office to an Itsekiri man. Many sane Oghara sons and daughters have REJECTED. This is because the fellow represents a stooge allegedly picked to further the itsekiri kingdom expansion quest.
Its safe to blame Uduaghan for attempting to and actually foisting his Itsekiri choice on Oghara people, justice demands that we mention names of individuals who out of sheer stupidity, aided the Uduaghan Oghara kingdom annexation script.
My heart skip a beat when I remember the docile political class who for selfish interest, kept mute in the face of oppression. From Henry Ofa to Ben Igbakpa. Moses Ogbe to Gowon Akpodonor who wrote to eulogize impostor named Noble Etsemitan and indeed most of the political class in Oghara, the sell-out is obvious.
While no one should cry over this rape, it is pertinent to know that imposition of Noble as Ovie of Oghara kingdom, has deep political implication. With an alien itsekiri counselor representing Ijomi ward in the care-taker committee at the moment, Oghara kingdom should brace up for more unpleasant political scenarios soon.
While I won’t want to be a prophet of doom, I make bold to say that with a successful imposition of Noble as Ovie on Oghara people, the itsekiris would have gotten the needed opportunity to drag our lands with us. If Oghareki allows it, Ajagbodudu ( a contested Oghara land) would naturally fall into their hand. Other things would be making the Oghara traditional institution, hereditary to make Oghara kingdom a traditional home of the itsekiris.
Let those rejoicing now be aware of the pains ahead…free men would become slaves in their land. Those scheduled to be rewarded as chiefs for aiding denigration of their kingdom because of their selfish interest should know that there is a price to be paid.
Our ancestors may be slow to anger, but justice would surely come. To Chiefs Erunedo, Duncan Ewhere and others who fought to reverse this rape of Oghara kingdom, rejoice for your place in history would be a pleasant one. To the army of angry but helpless youths, let peace reign. The gods will fight this battle but stand firm in your resolve to stand for JUSTICE. History will never be fair to anyone who for selfish reasons, support the rape of Oghara kingdom.

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  1. What actually do they want?
    I am a true son of the soul.
    OGHARA. Let those sons and
    daughters of the soil who are
    in political offices come
    into this issues not fold our
    hands and watch Oghara being
    kidnapped for ever before our
    very eyes. Atumah Desmond Lucky
    a native of Oghareki…

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